Bonus Chapter #5

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After the magical creation of the tiny bundle that King Henry profusely proclaimed was to be their perfect princess, the fetus remained in the incubator for months, nurtured by her fathers as her body grew, preparing to enter the world. And so, a princess was born to the kingdom; it was a joyful and most memorable day that warmed the hearts of every citizen in the country. The little girl was a courageous young child who fought against the odds and somehow miraculously survived. While her father had been created similarly, the dark magic used in his creation had been strong, much too powerful for King Caleb's intentions with his own baby. The small princess had been fabricated with her father's own powers and the goodness inside him; he had not wanted to pollute her with evil.

The entirety of the kingdom rejoiced at the birth of the heir, even though her entrance into the world was nontraditional, for they had learned from the reign of their kings that sometimes following tradition is not always best. Among other things, Kings Henry and Caleb had taught their subjects the importance of acceptance, the marriage between the two men a prominent example. While it had taken time for a percentage of the citizens to appreciate the beauty of their bond, the kings continued to rule justly, dutifully serving their country and prioritizing the well-being of their people. They were successful at providing the kingdom with leadership that aided in fulfilling the needs of its inhabitants while maintaining order among the commons.

The two kings named their daughter Valencia, its meaning brave and strong, for indeed, the princess was born a fighter. Having survived the magical conjuring of her creation, as well as the prolonged incubation period to build her strength and ensure Valencia's successful start to life, Henry and Caleb were confident that their daughter's valiance and determination to thrive could never be oppressed.

Princess Valencia appeared even from the start to be the perfect cross between her two fathers, leaving no doubt of her biological connection to the two kings. The girl's long, raven-colored hair matched Caleb's, and her icy blue eyes had clearly been inherited from Henry, save for the magical glow that dwelled within them.

Five years later...

Princess Valencia races down the immaculate corridors of the palace, her muddied bare feet leaving dirty footprints on the otherwise sparkling marble floor. The sound of her contagious laughter reverberates through the castle halls, filling the hearts of any nearby staff with undiluted joy; the girl's mere presence seems to spark warmth within anyone who comes into contact with her.

Regardless of her status as the future ruler of her kingdom, Valencia could not be further from the typically ideal vision of an overly-fluffed princess. Even at her young age, she cares little for fancy dresses or extravagant jewelry, nor does she daydream about marrying a handsome prince or concern herself with perfecting her outward appearance. Instead, she prefers to dress simply, in clothes that move freely with her body while running, climbing, and exploring. She appreciates comfort, defies expectations, and has an imagination as wild as the heart beating within her chest; Princess Valencia is an untamable force with a fire in her soul that no rules, regulations, or traditions could ever extinguish. Her passion and drive are infinite, her desire to personally connect with everyone regardless of their status is profound, and her unquenchable thirst for knowledge and understanding is unmatchable.

These traits might be considered unacceptable by the previous king and queen, plaguing them with unnecessary torment as they desperately tried to correct her unladylike and improper behaviors. However, they only further prove Kings Henry and Caleb's beliefs that their daughter shall be a phenomenal queen someday.

"Valencia!" Caleb calls, his footfalls sounding heavily in the vacant corridor as he rushes after the surprisingly speedy child. The sound of her father calling her name only increases her haste to get to wherever she is going, a girly squeal and another peal of giggles escaping her as she runs faster away from him.

As the princess peeks over her shoulder at the man whose long black hair flies behind him as he chases after her, she does not see the bright smile of her other father as he awaits her at the other end of the hallway. King Henry's arms are wide open and ready to envelop her as soon as she is close enough. He does exactly that once his distracted daughter is finally within his reach, scooping her from the floor and pulling her into an embrace with a loud chuckle of his own. A surprised gasp escapes Valencia before she bursts into a fit of laughter, her father's fingertips delivering a peppering of tickles to her tiny abdomen.

When King Caleb reaches the pair, he grins broadly at the sight, his heart swelling with affection for the two people who mean everything to him. Another squeal from Valencia draws a quiet chuckle from him before he finally holds up his hands and says, "Okay, love, I think she has had enough."

The tickling ceases, and the princess's cheerful noises slow as she takes in large gulps of air to settle the adrenaline coursing through her. "That was so fun!" she exclaims, climbing onto Henry's shoulder with a firm grip on his collar, bouncing around as if she has absolutely no fear of potentially falling. Leaning forward, she lowers her voice, beckoning Caleb closer with a single finger. "Daddy," she whispers, her face nearly split in two by her overwhelming happiness. "I think you need to practice your running. Or maybe you are just getting too old to chase me."

Henry snorts back a laugh as Caleb's eyes widen, and he scoffs in mock offense. "Is that so?" the raven asks, placing his hands on his hips. "Well, I suppose that means playtime is over; this old man needs to rest," the raven says, his lips curving upward in the corners as he tries to hide his smile. "I guess instead of running, a certain princess will have to take a bath to wash the mud from her feet," he adds, an eyebrow raising in his daughter's direction.

Princess Valencia stares at her father with her mouth agape, her horrified expression bringing him nothing but an overwhelming sense of amusement. "That... that is not fair! I did not mean it, Daddy!" the princess protests, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting her pink lips at him.

*A/N: Princess Valencia's story, Be Courageous, will be coming soon! I do not yet know a specific date, but I have it on my list of stories to rewrite, so it will definitely be on the way at some point (hopefully before the year is out).

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