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Over the course of the next week, Ronnie along with the help of Bella, Charlie, and Emmett all at different times had helped her get her attic room ready for her to share it with her cousin. The attic was easily the biggest room in the house and which made converting it to house two people instead of just one easier.

It was Tuesday night and they had just finished Alexa's side of the room Ronnie smiles happily at how it had turned out.

Ronnie's Side:

Ronnie's Side:

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Alexa's Side:

Charlie smiled at his eldest daughter "it looks great Ronnie, you did an amazing job and I'm sure Alexa will love it

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Charlie smiled at his eldest daughter "it looks great Ronnie, you did an amazing job and I'm sure Alexa will love it."

Ronnie beamed at him at the compliment because Ronnie was the one to put the design together for the other half of the room. She really did have an eye for interior design.

Ronnie was very giddy and she wouldn't say why and no matter how much Alice asked she would not give up the reason for her excitement. Emmett was the only one that she told that she knew who Alice and Jasper's mates were. Reggie and Alexa would be there when Ronnie and Bella got home from school.

During her classes Ronnie barely paid attention and Emmett had just laughed at his girlfriend's excitement knowing that it would be worth not mentioning the reason to his siblings the following day.

The elder Swan sibling had decided to ride home with her sister that afternoon and Ronnie's leg was bouncing up and down as she sat in the passenger seat as Bella drove them home the younger girl smiled at her "you have been giddy all day."

Ronnie laughed "I'm just excited Bells I haven't seen the twins since we were 10 and I just can't wait for you to meet them."

Bella laughed and the rest of the ride was spent in a comfortable silence between the siblings. Ronnie was out of the truck as soon as Bella parked when they got home, their dad wasn't back with the twins yet.

Ronnie headed upstairs to drop her school stuff in her room and to change into a more comfortable outfit.

"Are they there yet?"

Ronnie smiles "not yet but they should be here any time I can't wait for tomorrow it's gonna be such a good day." Ronnie heard a car pull onto the driveway "gotta go they're here."

Then she made her way downstairs and joined Bella in the kitchen. Bella was working on some homework at the table when Ronnie walked in "dad's home." Bella nodded at her and closed the notebook in front of her.

Ronnie smiled leaning against the table and waited on the trio the come into the house.

A few minutes later they walked into the house and Charlie called "girls?"

Ronnie grinned "in the kitchen dad!"

The trio walked into the kitchen and Alexa smiled at Veronica "Ronnie!"

Ronnie grinned back at her "Lex!" Then the two girls hugged.

Reggie nodded at her "Hey Ronnie."

She pulled him into a hug as well "Hey Reg." Then the Phoenix nodded "okay so introductions are in order since you guys haven't met Bella yet, Lex, Reggie meet my baby sister Bella and Bells meet your cousins Alex and Reggie."

Charlie smiled watching the interactions between the four of them "All right now that the introductions are out of the way why don't we get you two settled in and unpacked?"

Ronnie looped arms with Alexa "come on let's grab your stuff I'll show you both to your rooms, well Lex I don't know if dad told you but we are sharing just like the last time you guys were here."

The blonde laughed "yeah uncle Charlie told us on the ride back... he said you designed everything."

Ronnie helped them get Reggies stuff into his room and then left him to unpack and lead Alexa up to their now-shared room.

Alexa looked at her cousin in shock "wow Ronnie... this looks incredible you did all of this for me?"

Ronnie smiled at her "I'm glad you like it and yeah I dabble in interior design and stuff like that so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to test out one of my designs... I will let you unpack I'll just be on my side of the room if you need anything."

Lex nodded at her "thanks, Ronnie."

"Of course." Then Ronnie walked over to her desk and dropped down on the chair starting on some of her homework while Lex unpacked. Then her phone rang and Ronnie checked the ID seeing it was her mom she answered. "Hello?"

"Where are you? We were supposed to train when you got out of school."

"Shit... I forgot that we were doing it today instead of Friday... I'll be right there after I tell dad where I'm going so he doesn't worry."

"Alright, I'll see you in a bit." They said their goodbyes. Ronnie sighed getting up "well looks like homework will have to wait."

Alexa laughed "forgot you had plans?"

Ronnie nodded "yeah with the excitement today I forgot that we had rescheduled to today instead of Friday which is one of the days when these meetings usually happen. I'll probably be back late but I am driving you and Reg to school tomorrow."

The blonde nodded "okay." Then Ronnie grabbed her bag and headed downstairs.

"Dad, I have a session today so I'll probably be home late just didn't want to worry you."

Charlie looked at her "okay you usually don't have sessions on Tuesdays."

"I know but we rescheduled the session for today and with the excitement of the twins coming and everything I forgot until mom called." Charlie nodded at her.

He watched as she disappeared in a swirl of orange light, he shook his head Charlie was still in awe at all the things that Ronnie could do.

Here is Chapter 17 and the introduction of Alexa and Reggie, next chap the twins meet the Cullens :D. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. 

Candice King as Alexa Swan 

Timothee Chalmet as Reggie Swan

Timothee Chalmet as Reggie Swan

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