were the best detectives and best of friends

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Chapter 1 we live in a world the world of darkness within the light a horrifying time always lurking taking good people away from the light. I hope we and I lendan L taylor and light yagiam can save humanity as much as we can!!??.. so we work great on hard tough case on choices of mortality or ethics. We are good we are always right are intentions cant be wrong. One day we meet are hardest challenge of a blood thirsty killer of horrifying proportions. Chapter 2 Linden L taylor living a life of puzzles questioning life eating candy and walking funny. Holding objects in unorthodox ways but is as sane as hey can be. Trained to be the number one detective solving cases. Is in a way childish and stay in home person. Its not hes fault he was made to be this way for a life of perfection. Not even L is perfect but is still the top person for cases. Chapter 3 light yagiam wants nothing but peace in the way of justice and laws wanting good for better people. Making life easier and go as far as the law allows him to go. Unless hes put in a situation that forces the law out of his hands. Remains as good as he can be. Studying law learning over and over mastering his craft of work. Promising people that he will and can help as hes personal goal. He would rather die then brake the law doing wrong intentionally.
Chapter 3 will both brilliant morally good people meet paths??? Time to go to school okay mom by sister Ill have fun I guess. Your funny brother by sis here have some candy thanks brother. Every year school is boring students not on my level class of repatriation. Bullys make me sick the system of school doesnt fix evil. I have to fix things on my own I rather be a vigilante of justice than no justice at all!!! So I go out of my why to help others undercover with the best of intentions and actions. My grades are higher than all skills cant find an equal. I want a challenge of mind of equal footing I hope we could and can be great freinds!!!
Chapter 4 L also goes to the private highschool were light goes to expercian outside life. He hears of light of his gifts wants to meet him as a wish from his butler
Watery. Watery lets him go as one of his first desires!! L has not been in school in a long time. Hes new private high school experience is just good enough!! He picks 3 classes with light science pholisphey and law. Cant wait to be freinds...!!! L plays the piano and sports just to keep his mind straight. L hangs out with multiple friends for practice for light. Chapter light yagiam walks in his class and see someone setting nearby his desk. He sets next to him to see if hes looks are deceiving. L say hi light says hello. Slow talk every day testing each others brain power. Giving each other recommendations on books anime and food. Sometimes music or video games. But the one thing the like to do the most is play board games against each other especially chess while a piano plays in the background. Chapter 5 are bound of freindship is coming true. L listens to a school vigilante about light but doesnt know its him. He asks light if he knows about this mysterious character. Light yagiam explains the truth he doesnt want to lie to his new buddy!!!! L understands if the system is not willing then you must act with the best actions and intentions. Light trust grows with L and L helps light in any way he can.!! Chapter 6 all bullys are in check by Ls help and light wants to study and become Ls apprentice. L says if you want fine by me light you can its not wrong. Thanks here is some sugar sweets. Oh yes thank you. Normally I get it myself or my butler gets it. L Light you are a brilliant nice person Im glad you are on the right side. Light Im Shocked im working with the number one detective and is my new bestfriend. Chapter 7 light yagiam going to the mansion of L. L asks lights mom and dads permission on the phone. His mom says as long as he studied and has fun. His dad says my son working with the number 1 detective on the field he must need lights help. Both agree and let light go into a limbo car. Lights sister wants to go aswell lights parents ask if someone can watch over her. L says my butler watery is a great helper with tweens. So they let her go as long as shes on her best behavior. L lets sayu yagami play with a dog and she loves the dog being playful. L I had no idea you had a sister light. Yup she is my sister bad at math but has a great heart. L the way she plays with the dog I wish I could have fun like that frankly Im jealous. Light laughs you dont have fun look around so much to do. L yes but I dont really have the time always solving cases and studying. However the crime rate Is kind of low so I have time. Light we will eventually have to work together when we have time lets have the best fun. L Hmmm what was that I didnt hear what you said over the sound of sugary snacks I was eating. L Thats okay I have recorders around the house I came prepared for this situation. Light man nothing gets by this guy I must find out why he sits like he dose hands in pockets while walking. Even him holding a phone while on a call seems intentionally at a point of his wisdom!!! Chapter 8 L so light what would you like to do anything is free to do. Light maby planning tennis or ping pong eating fast food golf so much to do. L how about watching anime or petting animals I even have a roller coaster. L not only that a brand new video game console. Light man he has everything you can dream for. L it is overwhelming but getting up to this point is not easy the sacrifices to make with all the decisions of life. That is why I have all the things that I do Im not greedy. Light I hope you studied for are debate tomorrow it will take a lot to beat me. L science math debates what more can I ask for!!! Chapter 9 L pushed a button and ask watery to look over lights sister as promised to the parents. Watery room with the dog okay ill look over here. L thanks watery. Light thanks for keeping your promise. sayu yagami sees the dog run away to watery and says hello sir!!! Hello sayu yagami im here at any request food games tv whatever you want. Yeah thank you L. L pushed the button and says your welcome lights sister. Sayu yagami that was kind of creepy but okay I guess??? Watery that is L for you still learning how to act around people. Light lets go outside L fine with me new best friend.... chapter 10 L hey light I want to tell you a secret. Light um ok what is it? My real name is not Linden L taylor. Light what it's not so its a code name then. L yes you are correct of course. So that makes you 80% my new best friend. Light really L your going to test me like this percentages ok why not. L its the best way to challenge our minds. Light so what is your real name then not Linden L taylor???!!! So L tells light to come close and says I like to tell you my name is L!!! Light says oh come on that was not funny. L I wasnt trying to be funny however my real name is L Lawliet. Light im going to ask you if you want to play a game. Really L what type of game do you want to play. You see light after we solve multiple cases we will play said game that I created. Can you explain how this test run of a what if exercise. L Yes you are correct I want to be hypnotized against you while you be hypnotized!!! Light hypnosis but why L why would you want this. To see if there will be equally opponent of a match of brilliance. L You will be evil and I will have the evidence to the case. Light I hope it can stop before things can get to intense. L the hypnotist has been given instructions to stop at a certain level. Chapter 11 oh my light your sister eats as much sugar as me im jealous of her. Light really your jealous of her intake of sugar eating. L not only that but how she is so joyful I wonder what her secret is???? Light laughs historically and says oh L she is younger than us no secret. L we are young enough so were just not relaxed enough. Light I couldnt have said it any better myself. Light hey L I wonder do you have any siblings of your own. L technically yes adopted maby but brothers none the less names are near and mellow. L you wouldnt like to meet them near is less emotional than me and mellow is more aggressive than the both of us. Light oh okay I guess If you say so. Light walks outside L follows him. Light picks up a ping pong paddle. L smiles and is glad to see that light yagami has a fun side. sayu yagami is told by watery about what there doing. She is surprised that there playing ping pong and cheers her brother on!!! Watery wonders about how good this light character can do against L. Since his two succsers prodigies mellow and near could never win against him. They always come close but not enough for L. Chapter 12 Light let the exciting match of ping pong begin 1st to drop the ball losses. In true death note fashion the game is played with the dioualg of the characters mind. L makes the first strike. Ok light lets really see if you are as athletic and fast just like your mind??? Light strikes back fast. As you can see L I am more than capable of handling myself on the field. L hits the ball to edge to go higher than Light. Light jumps as soon as the ball goes to the corner. L hmmm you are as quick as you are calculating. Light Im fast enough to see your reflexes before you move. Light you have to pull something unexpected to beat me L. L alright Light I see you are trying to beat me more than im testing you. L you seem like you can make a great help to our organization. Light I see what your going to do L this match is over!!!! L I see that your ready to end this match. L however Im going to outsmart you to fall into a sequence of events. L spikes the ball in a circular pathway. Light trys to counter but It moves to the left side and L is already on that side. Then Light moves to the right and counters!!!! L moves to were Light started and Light moves where L started. L finally you have to be a straight shooter nothing else will work. Light the only way to beat L is to see a straight hit pattern. Both L and Light hit and pass instead of trying to outsmart each other.!? Both hits over and over more powerful more speed until. Light finds a way to reversal the effects of the circular pattern. He rolled up the ball to stop the pattern speed. L is shocked but he realizes that Light is only dealing the inevitable!!! Light succeeds the ball slowly drops and hits Lights yagamis paddle. The ball hits once Light keeps hitting and paddling the ball. Light finally manages to make a strike. L you have managed to get out of the situation it is a shame that it was all for nothing. L hits the ball and Light gives it his last shot. Light yells and losses his concentration to win. L sees the ball hits the net and Light has lost and heres L victory!!!!! L congratulations Light you have won the test. What L but I lost the game that I choose I even made the rules. L you picked the game and you lost. Light I thought as much I should have done better!!! L you surprised me you successfully achieved to beat every situation. L as such you far as surpassed my expectations no one has literally switched sides on a ping pong table against me. L because of this you have the right and my word you will have a spot on the organization of detectives. Light Im honored to pass and join your team I will never leave your side the impact team L and light yagiam!!!!! Chapter 13 L we can play another game if you like perhaps chess!! Light alright fine if its a test of yours im game. L light this not a test but you were still prepared if it was. L you have more potential than all the officers in Japan. L and your only a teenager in university. Light grabs the chessboard and polishes the box. Light I hope you dont mind the chees game and box needed to look new. L Im fine with that no one can keep buying new things over and over. Light so you are ready to play a game of chees. L grabs the time clocks and set ups the pieces. Chapter 14
L plays it smart Light plays agressive.
All of Ls moves knight 6:F, pawn 6:D, pawn 5:E, pawn 4:D, bishop 7:D, queen 7:D, pawn 5:C, knight 6:C, pawn 4:C, king 8:C, knight 4:E, pawn 5:D, bishop 5:C, knight 2:D, pawn 4:D, pawn 4:D, knight 4:D, pawn 5:F, rook 8:E, 2:D queen, 5:D queen, 8:B king, 4:E rook, 4:G rook, 2:D queen, 2:G, all of Light yagamis moves pawn 4:D, pawn 4:E, bishop 2:D, knight 3:F, bishop 5:B, bishop 7:D, knight 4:D, knight 3:B, king 1:G, knight 1:C, knight C:2, bishop 4:D, pawn 3:C, knight B:2, bishop 2:D, knight 4:D, pawn 4:D, queen 2:C, pawn 5:C, queen 4:C, queen 4:A, rook c:1, queen C:2, pawn 4:F, queen 5:F......!!!!
That is it of the chess game I made some mistakes during the simulations. Trying to play like Light and L online against a computer game. Over and over trying to play the perfect game. I called it a day and stopped. I wrote the moves letters and numbers and pieces. But at the end of writing I missed up the saving process.
Chapter 15 Light and L have the chess games of games and both are amazed. Light I lost again were you holding back? L I was however in the middle and the end I wasnt. Light that is why I was supposed for your mistake and blunders. L I have to wonder if you can actually beat me in a game!!??? Light I will some day if I can. Lights sister walks in and says light it is time to go. L oh really so many things to do perhaps see you next time. Light me as well
Dont worry maby we can draw in the pholisphey debate. Chapter 16 school day both light and L have studied for the debate of justice. The teacher okay class the final 2 of the tournament of debate are
Linden taylor and Light yagami. Teacher light and taylor will argue on there sides of what justice means to them. Teacher lets begin starting with light. Light justice the concept is for the order of what life must be to protect and defend. We must share what is correct not what is wrong black white or gray. We can overthink why someone would do something wrong or evil. However we must give a correct punishment to each wrong doing the ends justify the means sometimes might makes right. Teacher thanks for your turn light now taylor it is your turn. L I think my opponent confuses emotions with the law. Our intentions should not be the only thing toward an outcome. If we do that we cloud are judgement and lose are selfs. L i am ready for the deabt slash argument professor...!!! The professor alright begin the debate of conflicts of your mortality in justice. The class is excited for the epic argument of L and light!!!!! Light so you would never act beyond the rules of the law. L I will only follow the book unless I have to take in the law breaker at a cost. Light so all that matters is wining as an obsession. L the more in the system the better it is. Light so you have the one track mind of every criminal. L If I was in the power I must learn study my case and guilty or innocent person. Light you will be everyday obsessed with yourself and the law sounds conflicting. L you have to take the justice and law farther than the law is sometimes farther than expected. Light than we both agree with opposing views of justice. L it seems like we have reached an agreement of are debate and its over. Light so professor is it a draw!!?? The professor it is a draw you both agreed. Chapter 17
Light and L are surprised that a draw has happened. The pattern is that L beats light. So naturally the fact that Light tied with L is suprising. If the debate lasted longer maby light could had beaten L. Light if only we discussed more we could had a better discussion. L yet we both agreed to one point of both sides even during an argument. Light even so the professor said draw he dictated the match. L you agreed even if you wanted to win you drawed with me. L that should be enough it took mellow and near a while to do the same. Light would you like to continue the debate L??? L I wouldnt want to take that outcome away from you light!!! Chapter 18 light works on his first case with L. L so light I hope you are prepared to handle the cases as much as I can. Light look L it might be my first day but Im ready!! Mellow and near walk out of the room. They are ready and watching light to test him. L agreed to this one day mellow and near will challenge light. Near I hope you wont act of character mellow. Mellow oh like you and L have any emotional expressions. Mellow act out what do you mean act out. Near your doing exactly what I told you not to do. Mellow I want to challenge light yagami you wouldnt
Understand near!!! Near I understand mellow but not yet when L says so. Mellow fine but I wonder if light will talk to us. Near honestly I dont care if he does or not just the challenge. Chapter 19 L case 454 a drug dealer he must be taken down. Light reads the case files. Lights thoughts!!! Light theses criminals are disgusting they deserve the worst beyond the law of the government!!! L why is lights emotions higher than usual. Light have I no I would never do such rash things. L so it is time Light your going to be a spy. Light investigation duty I can do that. L I will give you an earpiece for instructions. Light so be it if I dye by your orders L it will be my honor!!! L lets not get to far on one day.
Chapter 20 light arrives at the drug dealers mansion. L all right light you just need him to trust you. Light walks In the house. Main drug dealer is Joe. Joe oh your here the new right hand man. Light yes your previous member lost you a lot of money. Joe not to much for me I just dont want that to happen again. Light my calculations should make a very rich man. Joe someone give this kid a proper attire. Light sit in his office looking for files maps anything for the case. L so he is in I wonder if anyone can take this Joe character out??? Mellow thoughts I would kill him the rest is history for the case. Near I can technically do this faster than light. L getting caught stops any progress. Near all that matters is one more guy in bars. Mellow eating chocolate I say light make more actions. Light thoughts everyone has high expectations of me. Light my evidence just needs more hard hitting things to but this guy away for good.
Joe so you like your office? Light I will manage the work space of a criminal master mind. Joe no need for flattery even if you are correct. Joe how did you found out. Light your suit has a higher status of wealth. Joe you seem smarter than the common criminal. Light I see some bad numbers I can solve them if you like. Joe sure it is your job to get money for me after all. Light of course. Lights thoughts he told me his role of leadership. Light he has already confessed that he is the king pin. L mellow and near. He did what other agents failed to do. Light made the crime boss talk without questioning. Light makes more money from drugs to guns to technology.
Joe grows more powerful and mad. Joe grows worse and collapsed his own empire. Light brings joe down to justice. Near so if light can out do a drug leader then we should guide him. Mellow as long as he can take down all crime he is alright in my book. L your both right however we must keep his intentions in check. L what is the point of beating crime if you lose yourself. Light has a moment of power from the case. Light keeps himself in check. Chapter 21 mellow and near test light. Mellow do you think we can out do him near. Near not yet lets have him on his path. Mellow lets have light have more cases. Near we can see each level that light can handle. Light so I took out a drug lord. L you must have more cases by the amount of files. Near so
L me and mellow would like to test light. L so be it as long as he works. Mellow picked 3 cases one for a vigilante a robber and finally a murderer. Nears cases are less vilonet. A cult leader a shady businessman and finally a lair. Chapter 22 light is ready for the 6 cases of mellow and near. L has the other cases in his folder. Light so I can pick any case I want. Mellow yeah no order just solve them. Near you can have it your way your solving them. L of course I will be watching you more than my quote on quote brothers. Mellow dont remind us that were your prodigies. Light first case the business man. Light gets in more crafty with the practice against the drug lord. That druglord was not as smart as the business man. Light out ranks all the other oppurnites and applicants for the position. Dan the business man watch light more closely than Joe. Light so we can work. Dan yes we can. Dan just sign this contract. Light reads it. Light so if I sign I get involved. Light I dont accept to sign the contract. Dan why not so many opportunities on the line money whatever you want. Light even if that is true I cant risk it the fbi can get involved. Dan dont worry everything will be fine. Light walks out and leaves from the stairs but dan follows. Light thoughts I have you right were I want you. Light you stay in the office to not get arrested. Dan grabs light. Dan look dont leave pizza drinks women whatever you want. Light grabs his gun and pushes dan out of the door. Light knocks dan out with his gun. The agency shuts down dan and his building. Near and mellow are shocked. Light if he called his guards evidence would come out. Even if they grab me the agency would come in. Light the contract would make it hard for the agents to come in. Light so I did not sign to increment dan. Mellow you took out 2 big criminals. Near it took you less time your first case took 2 months. L and for dan you took a couple minutes. Chapter 23 light has 5 more test to go. Light meets the liar ken. Near ken is quick rich fast person. Near he uses the problems of others to make a quick buck. Light he is disgusting all criminals are. L I will join you to catch the lie. Ken i have a nother happy customer taken care of. Kens thoughts a nother dumb
Shumck down on there luck. L and light meet ken. Ken can I help you both. L we must have something special. Ken you want something you must have the cash. Light I have it right here. Ken okay come in my office. L I see your money has been well spent. Ken its not much to be honest. Light he is lying an act. Light were not interested in buying anything. L it looks like were at in a impassive moment. Ken wait I uh here some items in a box high value. Light gives the money to ken. Light passe the box to l. L
Slowly opens the box with less noise. Light tricking ken to buy more things. L so you lied there is nothing in the box. Ken gets tackled by light. And L arrests ken. Chapter 24 the cult leader bob. Bob has given fake emotions and cures. Always having medicine that causes more pain than cures. Light watches writing what Bob preaches. Bob we are higher beings stay with me and your lives well be decided. Light wears a mask inside a stolen cult uniform. Light asks bob for medicine and books. Light remembers the book and the ingredients for the medicine. L mellow and near write and make the medicine. Mellow yells at the preachings disgusting. Near is intrested in making the medicine. L finds out that the medicine Is addicting not only to the mind but to the body. L so that is why they keep coming back to bob. Light hides the agents in the cult clothes. Bob we are medicine the future of man. The agents repeated the lines. Bob we must stay secret and silent. Bob I said secret and silent. The agents show themselves and bob is gone. Chapter 25 light wants to do the mellow cases to find his limit. Can light yagami outsmart power of brute or deadly vilonce. First the robber seth destroying property for quick cash. Braking in looking for anything worth of money. Light writes down everything he has stolen and destroyed. The agency gives back the broken and stolen goods to the victims of seth. Seth hides stelling things during the night so it would be hard for light to track him down. One day seth gets to greedy and plans to rob a bank during the day. Light pretends to be a freind for seth. Light hello there. Seth thoughts who is this guy why is he here. Light I am a fellow rebel like you I like to help you. Seth really then help me rob a bank. Light records this to have the evidence of confession. Seth I hope you can help me a with a job this big. Light I have to say you can go bigger than cars or houses. Seth you rob things as well as destroy. Light yes I saw you and wanted to be your first follower. Seth wait saw me how who are you!!?? Light can you just believe me take the w and not the L. L sends his team seth trys to fight them off but gets arrested. Light that was well planned mellow and near. L you listened to me if seth had a gun confuse him and run. Ligh the team came in at the time I ran his focus would be controlled. Mellow everyone needs backup even if you dont want it. Near you have to more cases to handle your sure you can handle it. Light I have came this far why stop now. Jack has been in his rampage of death. Killing for thrill of bloodlust killing for darkness. Jack killed one person and the emotion was to strong to handle. Light this time has a gun the robber was not as deadly as Jack. Light wondering on how to catch this guy and get evidence. Light call the agency to follow him to catch jack he might not outsmart jack like the rest. Even if light could pull it off jack might swing his weapon to backstab light. Light thinks armour underneath with shock vibrations. Then spray him on the floor. Jack with his machete covered in blood. Jack this is great this I why I have life to kill. Jack killing is the only thing that drives me to fill my thirst. Light walks in with his contengcy plan. Light trys talking but jack does not by it. Jack swings light jumps for the blade to hit the armor. It connects jack drops his blade and gets sprayed. Jack fuck no hell shit the pain. Light aressted the murderer jack. Light wonders if to keep doing a solo act light vs the criminal world. Near mellow and light are impressed but critic his fast pacing. Light you are correct I am not immortal even I need help against things beyond intelligence. Finally the last test a vigilante with his sense of justice. Vick the vigilante wants to be a hero. A hero of fast justice. Crime paid as soon as said crime has been committed. Vick understands that his intentions wont matter in a court of law. Since vick works outside of that law of justice structure. The only crime that vick has committed is being a vigilante making arrest and battling criminals. Light has opened Vicks folder looking and thinking about the outcomes. Light figures out why there is small gaps in the crime rate. Light nows that mellow and L and near already found out about this. Vick leaves a clue one clue a fake name of an ultra ego. Light wont dress up as a hero or act like a criminal. Light decides just to talk it has not failed only once. Light and Vick talk about justice. Light can tell that Vicks head is in the right place but not in a systematic process. Vick tells light that if I go down against the justice of law so be it. Light cant fight him but has a secret gun to make Vick sleep. Light so you have fought criminals hiding your face all for what. Vick this is the big moment of my life nothing more can bring me a self purpose. Light a dream this desire you believe to much of your self I think you have to sleep back to that dream. Vick get processed like the other criminals and is found guilty all 6 are guilty. Chapter 26 light becomes a new successor to L like near and mellow. Light has passed the test all 6 and will stay on the force. Everything is going well light solving more cases and evidence. However in the underworld a death god drops his death note. Ryuk watching for a human to use the power of the death note. One teen finds it a guy zack. Zack is an angry teenager hate filled wanting revenge and power. Zack thinks the notebook is a joke but wonders is it real. Zack would I will I give up a fictional device of power. Zack why give it up having something beyond this world. Zack writes down the names of three of the worst bullies in school. The first dies to running into a wall over and over Intel death. The second jumps from a building. And the last the leader kills himself in his car. Zack cant believe that such power is his!!!! Ryuk say nothing zack gets shocked but his rage accepts his fate. Ryuk I see you wanted revenge against three bullies. Zack you can talk and float??? Ryuk yes I can give you things you like if you want!! Zack what are you?? Ryuk I am a Death god named ryuk. Zack you are real this book is real.!? Ryuk I have never seen someone kill three people that fast normally they question it. Ryuk but you wanted to do it didnt you. Zack yes no one will beat me my power is beyond anything. Ryuk explains the rules and the afterlife. Zack so be it if I have to keep using the death note. Zack I will die by terms my life my decisions. Zack your afterlife is better than burning for ever the opportunity of wielding death is mine!!!! Ryuk talks about the eye deal. Zack no as interesting as that sounds I want to be alive as long as possible to kill and kill. Zack but I must be smarter if anyone trys to catch me in the act of playing god. Ryuk do as you like when your time is up I kill you. Zack wait that means this is your death note. Ryuk yes it is I put it hear for entertainment. Zack all of this chaos destruction and death just because of boredom I am ready. Ryuk your response is different you actually enjoy this. Zack you have no idea I want to see how long it will take to get caught or not might makes right. Zack and my might is the strongest of all!!! Chapter 27 light L near and mellow cath word of the case of the death note killings. A odd case for light to handle??! Can light solve the mad man zack. L the suicides look odd especially the one with the wall. Mellow if they are suicides than we cant solve them?? Near not exactly why did they kill themselves a few seconds in between each other in different deaths?? Light the possibilitie of a suicide pack could be a reason. L in any case the suicides are not normal a wall a car and a building. L The car crash to an explosion. L the wall running over and over so much pain sounds supernatural. L the building is more reasonable. L a suicide pack might be the case but it is usually altogether at the same time. Mellow lets just contact and find what they did before the dide. Near if they werent together before discussing the plan of suicides then
Something else caused it. Light someone no something is controlling this to make them do that to them selfs. Mellow someone forcing three guys to kill themselves that sounds strange. The four wait for the calls in person or upfront evidence. Searching for anything but zack was not there the killings were almost perfect. Zack watching the death on tv yes It worked I must continue with more!!! Light if more killings like this happen then someone is in control. Mellow this person is sick twisted evil. Near he is a cold blooded killer if he exists. L tracking down this person might be harder then we thought. L lets investigate the classroom the three are in one period to see each for evidence clues. Chapter 28 the 4 detectives interview the classroom students. They were sad scared others did not know how to feel. The bullied students lied not wanting to tell their real thoughts. L is with the last student zack!?!? Zack says nothing wondering the implications of the questions. L so you know the 3 students like the others? Zack I did but not as well as others. L if you did do you think something would change?? Zack no I dont now. Zack thoughts even if I was someone else would kill them from this school. L can you say they were in school before the day they died. Zack yes I did. L it looks like everyone remembed there last day. Zack thoughts your fucking right I remembered the plan of death all mine!!! L can you say or no anything of there death. Zack settles down to not seem bad in suspension. Zack no I have no idea. L I see and walks out. The 4 smart detectives talk about each interview. Mellow they seemed normal to me. Near normal for deaths no other thing can happen. Light the 3 students were bullies so some were lying even if they did not kill them. L so are main suspects are the bullied such a shame but a case is a case. Zack wondering on which time to use the death note. Zack can I use it should kill someone somewhere else on the world. Zack okay why not one more 4 5 6 as many kills as I want!!! Ryuk laughs while holding an apple. Zack but with 4 main top detectives on my suspension is going to be insanity. L tells light to go to zacks house to see if he did it. L narrowed it down to zack his expressions were different from everyone else. Zack should I use the TV no it can and will tie back to me. Light waits for the next kill to prove that the deaths were not suicides or accidents. Chapter 29 light waits 3 days for the next death. Zack has made his thoughts and ideas explosive on aggression. Zack TV radios fuck anything with a signal can be traced back to me. Zack I can only kill people I hate not only that but dont know me. Zack each kill over and over so I have to play hide and seek against the detectives. Light enters the room zack is shocked. Light hello are you okay. Zack oh me im just waiting to handle the deaths of 3
Students. Light I understand death is a harsh thing for us in reality. Zack can I ask are you a student?? Light yes but not of your school. Zacks mind then I will kill you as well and the other 3 weird detectives. Lights thoughts if he is the killer it will be hard to prove him guilty. Light I hope we can be friends if you dont I am okay with that. Zack almost saw L and the other 2 walk out but it was blurry so he is confused. Zack oh yes I might I can always have more friends. Zack oh by the way what is your name if were going to be friends we can share. Light was about to tell his name but L sends his secret ringtone text. Light oh I will be right back ok. Zack oh come on man I was so close even if he was tricking me I still could have killed another person on a higher level. Light talks to L outside of the house on the phone. L light dont tell him your name if he is the killer you might be next. Light so I have guilt trip him or keep testing him. L we can switch places on a fake freind helper. Zack walks with candy. Light takes them for evidence. Zack your not going to eat them. Light no I should not spoil my food. Zack oh I have food if you want. Light no I can wait. Zack ok bye. Light oh we can hug!? Light thoughts all I have to do is hug him and put a device to see and hear what he does. Zack oh no were friends besides we barley started and I dont like hugging. Zack okay fine a pat on the head. Lights plan failed if only he could put the device on zack in time. Chapter 30 light slowly builds the friendship with zack. Zack is still on his murderous homicidal intentions. Light do you want to play a game. Zack yeah how about truth or dare. Light it is very difficult to put the device on him I will play his game. Zack truth number of best Friends. Light to many to count. Light dare let me hug you. Zack gets the device finally planted on him. Light dare switch jackets. Light dare keep jackets. Zack truth cool jacket. L back in his office ready to switch. L moves in on the 2. L oh hello buddy. Light hi fellow number. Zack uh a friend of yours and name are funny. L oh you know all Friends have secret launges or code. Zack thoughts it is a good thing I gave my death note to someone else we scheduled on a death list. Jack listens on his hacked earpiece. Jack oh just say a fucking name I want to write a number 4 death. Jack is more blood lusted than jack. L let me guess your name is oh wait three guesses. Zack okay fine. L already knows his name just has to play this right. L Bob zack no many rob zack no one more try. L hmmmmmm maybe if only perhaps zack is that it. Zack oh my you surprised me. L I did it my luck wins again. Light oh my cant believe you got his name before I did. Jack is the most surprised ryuk laughs and is intrested waiting to see how this turns out. Jack ryuk tell me there names both of them. Ryuk I wont im just a freeloader along for the ride. Jack as long as we have. The death note we should be good. L well it has been fun but I want more sugar. Back at zacks house jack develops code. Jack is more ready than zack so he will be the strength of the team. Jack so zack that Jacket looks good let me take care of it. Zack no my freind gave. Jack I understand but we are friends as well I can give you 2 more. Jack so I will put it in the car. Zack fine. Jack walks back in and slaps zack in the face. Zack hey man what the fuck was that for. Jack are you mother fucking stupid we could have been caught. Zack what are you saying. Jack im saying that they are not your friends feeding you lies. Zack stands with revenge and hate. Zack so what should we do. Jack we pretend that we no nothing. Jack also we need one more member a 3rd. Zack any takers. Jack a girl with a God complex. Zack oh you mean Jennifer. Jack maby the death note can convince her!!! Zack actually ryuk can convince her with the eye deal. Jack huh what eye deal ryuk??
Ryuk you have not told him I assumed you had. Jack explain. Ryuk you can have eyes of a death god. The death god gives you sight of death of lifespans and names. Jack and zack cant wait to talk to Jennifer....!!!!! Chapter 31 Jennifer sets alone reading and eating potato chips. Zack oh jelapion chips my favorite. Jack no were here for a offer not food. Jennifer oh hi zack uh who is the other guy?? Zack he is my killer helper. Jennifer oh murderer death killings. Jack we want you on the team. Jennifer a team of killing why only 3. Zack because we have a death note!!!! Jack yes a real fictional killing device. Jennifer no way even I am not crazy enough to believe that. Jack here hold a the note book and slice of paper. Jennifer touches the 2 objects. Ryuk is up levitating above both Jack and zack. Jennifer drops both the materials on the floor... Jennifer I it is true so death gods exists he looks scary. Ryuk im not as scary as I look. Jennifer it talks as well how interesting. Ryuk I wonder how many more will have in are group. Jack no more than the 3 of us. Zack any more we could become a bigger target. Jennifer so how many killings have you committed!? Jack six right Jack. Jack six bullies that is maby we need to kill more. Jennifer reads the first 3 than the next 3 also thinks of the death note rules. Jack oh and we have a deal to make with you if you want. Jennifer oh what is that? Ryuk an eye deal exchange your lifespan in half for the death date and names to kill more people. Ryuk so what will it be Jennifer. Jennifer I okay but after I kill my names in the death note. Jennifer and how did you meet Jack zack. Zack I wondered if I should let someone help me. Zack and Jack has he killed 3 more bullies. Jack I killed them by making the 3 kill each other. Zack yes having them stabbing each other was so satisfying!!!! Jack but me and zack also made them say words against each other to make it seem more natural. Zack and Jack helped me with 2 friends of mine suspecting friends. Jennifer cant wait to meet them. Chapter 32 light finds the 3 bullies on the ground. The tape is sent to L near and mellow. Mellow they killed each other with blades like a fight to the death. Near the killing of killers to themselves seems like the perfect crime. Light watches the tape. No we must fight to the death if we must to settle the score having are revenge. Light the words that there saying what they said seems to be in the 3rd person almost. L a pattern 3 deaths at the same school 3 students 6 so it means something. Jennifer zack and Jack waiting to see if the detectives can figure out that they have been killing. Jennifer I will just kill 1 the you both have killed 3 a pattern. Jennifer I will have a teacher kill a student almost from a different school. The teacher drives towards the room of the house of the student. The car is broken the teacher is slowly dying on the floor the student moved out of the way. Jennifer oh I wish I can watch the TV news to see the death play out. Jack we wont watch no matter how bad we want to. Zack if we do the detectives will find out the watch times on the news channel. Jennifer yeah but at least we have the power to kill. L someone forcing the deaths if so we must find the source. Near a puzzle to solve a main piece controlling everything. Mellow you guys must find him before I do he or she makes me so mad. Light attempts to meet his new old friend suspect. Zack has an idea. Jennifer and jack listen in on his plan. Zack look 3 kills 6 in total 1 more so you to should act in a play. Jennifer what are you suggesting. Jack oh I see if they catch on me and Jennifer have to pretend. Jennifer uh pretend to be what exactly????? Zack uh maby you both can be pretend boyfriend and girlfriend!?!? Jack I uh dont no offense to you Jennifer you are a cute girl and all but. Jennifer stunned for a moment but says look we can just pretend nothing more until we win we can be friends. The 3 killer friends go to a park. Light and L walk up while mellow and near take notes far away recording. Light oh hi zack long Time no see. Zack oh looks like you bought your emo friend along. L I look emo funny. L and you are still funny. Zack pushes a button in his pocket. Jack and Jennifer walks up to them. Zack oh hi oh it looks like you brought a friend. L I see your friend group got bigger. Jack will technically yes maybe but she is not my friend. Light oh you have a girlfriend congratulations. Jennifer yes me and my boyfriend like are friend. Zacks thoughts yes are code we developed it looks like it might work names and all. L oh so can we be friends as well. Jennifer uh what do you think honey. Jack why not. Zack yes just a bunch of friends. Light I hope there will be anymore surprises??? Ryuk laughs I was so bored and this is getting interesting. Mellow and near wondering should we get involved in this case. Light finally I have chocolate and honey ice cream. Zack and the other killers are shockingly disturbed by the amount of sugar consumed by L. L oh am I disturbing you??? Jack oh no just never seen someone eat so much sugar give me a second. Jack drinks his water quickly and stops. Jennifer oh honey are you okay please here have some ice. Light rights in his book. Zack oh what are you writing buddy??? Light oh just my book on money. Zack money we could work together. Light no just do you besides the math and all. L grabs the book and reads it upside down while holding it upside down. L does this to avoid suspension. Jennifer you read upside down after eating all that sugar. L yes it is very relaxing. Light thoughts oh I see L is trying to out weird them by avoiding suspension by being himself. Light grabs his pen writing upside down. L correct possibly assumptions. Code they just made. The killers are so confused. L oh do you want a strawberry. Zack oh no I am not goin to eat sugar for a while. Light holds his demonically laugh inside looking twisted two faced. The killers Jack zack and Jennifer get weirded out and leave. L hope to see you again. L so light we are breaking the ice if they are the killers. Light it is a good thing we acted like the way we did who knows how it would have gone. Near they could have killed you or tricked you a lie of friendship or love. Mellow I have a faster way to solve this case. The 3 look at him wondering how. Mellow look all I have to do is be in the group eventually ill get in. Mellow When I do I will find out play my part acting then pretend to be in prison by lying. Light I think I can do that. Mellow the 3 of you are more nerdy then me. Light I can feel it in me like I am something more. Near we will wait for that plan not as a backup plan. Light unless it does end up being a backup plan. L no it wont we need to know how they kill. L if we dont see the death by them or anyone else then that means a supernatural force is in affect. Light wait they keep asking my name so that means they can kill with just a name. Near what if there is something more than a name perhaps a face as well. Mellow then one of us might die. L no one will die they will never find out names. Light but what If they do what can we do. Near then just one of you have to go. Light look L if what near says is correct then I will the world needs you. L light you have more time than me you deserve life light you are the future. Mellow I have nothing to live for I will sacrifice myself for this case. Near are you sure on your decision. Light no I will do it 
I must for us all im willing to do whatever it takes. Near so L do you have a plan if this is true. L I have decided to have actors look like us act like us they will die that will be are evidence. Mellow near and light have decided if they are willing to die the it is correct the ends justify the means it is the best decision for the possibility of chance. L we will gl for this plan if they kill are faker selves then it is them. Chapter 33 the 3 friends of death make there killings happen. Jennifer makes the eye deal with ryuk. Ryuk I cant believe that 2 bloodlusted guys refused but you Jennifer has surprised me. Jack kills 4 people in a building office having one stabbed by a stapler. The next guy with tapping himself. And the other 2 die from jumping off the building. Zack blows up an airplane in to another plane. Jennifer kills poltical and corrupt business men drug dealers anyone. The 3 keep getting more evil more crazy. Jack I dont want to stop. Zack me neither I want more. Jennifer I still have more kills than the both of you. Zack if it was not for the lifespan then I would. Jack should we split up. Jennifer why??? Jack the longer we stay together the more of a chance we can be caught and beaten. Zack eventually yes. Jennifer since you both started and I have more kills lets just slip pieces of the death note. Zack and Jack you can do that. Jennifer yes no Matter how many pages you rip out it never runs out. Jack so will divide pieces of paper in a box then. Zack grabs big boxes for the papers. Jennifer let the best killer win. Jack zack and Jennifer split ways never seeing each other. So near and mellow were sent to meet zack and Jack. Chapter 34 ryuk choses to stay with Jennifer since she made the eye deal. Also ryuk thinks that she is the most entertaining out the 3. Near alright mellow I hope your ready to meet this challenge. Mellow I should be more prepared than you. L no mistakes even if you do cover it up fast. Light I hope you make it safe and win. Jack doing his homework while killing with the back of the page. Near walks in on jack. Jack you look vaguely familiar. Near I just dyed my hair white. Jack took you a while to change it. Near is playing with a puzzle of a circle. Jack a puzzle I thought you were a sweet tooth addict!?. Near oh I thought I would do this than disturb you from all the sugar eating. Jack I mean it was
A lot of high blood sugar like that candy bar ice cream was to much. Near however I have this sugary snack drink. Jack oh no not again. Near as much as I love this sugar something more interesting than this puzzle a different puzzle. Jack I am going outside. Near oh dont worry I wont be far away. Jack no no lets exchange names come on I will give you ice cream cake puzzles whatever you want. Near that wont be necessary just tell me jack. Jack how do you know my name. Near oh did I say that  to late I put sleeping gas in my puzzle. Jack trys to grab his pen and his box of death. Near yes L for some reason he tried grabbing this box we should take it in for evidence. Mellow walks in on zack. Zack finished his phone call with Jennifer. Jennifer for some reason Jack wont pick up. Zack becomes more paranoid and dangerous. Zack hangs up. Jennifer wondering to choose and stops killing to watch tv. Jack watches mellow walk up. Mellow hi want a chocolate bar or not. Jack I you who are you. Mellow I that does not matter. Jack and so another guy eating sugar. Mellow dont do anything stupid. Jack or else what. Mellow or else I will beat you up. Jack oh well than hot soup. Mellow gets burned but grabs Jack. Jack struggles to get out. Mellow hits Jack with his gun. Light hey mellow. Mellow oh what is it. Light you must find a box with papers to confirm are theroy. Jennifer wonders what happened to zack and Jack so she suspects that the gave up. Jack and zack are locked up being integrated. L alright lets see what is inside these boxes. Light it is just a bunch of ripped pieces of paper what is going on. Near is the first one to grab a piece. Near sees ryuk and drops the paper. L what is it. Mellow is the second to do so. Mellow what the what the fucking hell are you. Light tell us what is it what is going on. Mellow it is a
shinigami a death God. L well light see it for yourself. Light no we have to do this together. Both L and light see ryuk however this raises implications and questions. L so know we now there secret. Light which means that Jennifer is in on this. Jack will we had a grate run. Jack yes 40 kills together. Zack so many insane creative was to kill. Jack I wont be surprised if we get the death penalty. L will it looks like we have you in the death penalty. Light so how will we take care of Jennifer?? Mellow maby we all should go. Near the more of us the less of a chance to kill. Light I will do it the 3 of you will watch waiting in case she is in on it. L so be it. Light faces with Jennifer. Jennifer I have to stop. Ryuk hu why?? Jennifer I only killed terrible criminals even that teacher. Ryuk what is the difference between you and the other 2?? Jennifer I had no bloodlust even if it seemed like it the power went way over my head. Ryuk but if you do that you will die in 13 days. Jennifer I will accept my fate if zack and Jack are going to be killed by justice than I will die by the death notes rules. Ryuk so then you will become a martyr to the underworld. Jennifer if that is the case so be it. Ryuk it is a smart thing you burned the box and hidden the death note. Jennifer yes but why do you think so. Ryuk your friends zack and Jack were made. Jennifer I hope my plan works. Jennifer ryuk bye I will never see you again here an apple. Ryuk it was entertaining thanks for the Appel. Light hello. Mellow near and L are looking for the box or the death note. L if it is not here than she might be innocent. Mellow the other 2 did not call her or tell her anything. Near but she did call before we apprehended them. L well let her decide her fate. Light im just saying you might be safe innocent. Jennifer thank you but others might see it differently. Light I am sorry. Jennifer has given up. L lets her stay in a cell for 13 days. She dies Jennifer zack and Jack are all dead. The death note is hidden. Light mellow near and L have solved this case.

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