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Lucas's Pov

I was in the middle of torturing a captive who was tied to one of the cells in the basement of my club. I hate any disturbances during these sessions. This is one of the ways to vent my frustration and anger.

This is a daily routine for me. Wake up go to the gym, attend numerous meetings and do tons of paperwork, then in the evening, I come here to the torture room, then back home.

Home. This is now a mere word for me. With mom and Xia it was an emotion, a place where to belong, where to live and not just exist. Now it's just a huge lifeless mansion where my brothers and I sleep.

My brothers are no different, we hardly get to see each other in weeks. Though Martin is my second in command and often works with me still hardly talks about anything outside work.

The twins also sometimes help in the business. Issac helps with mafia stuff and Felipe helps with legal business. Though mostly they are occupied with parties and girls.

Yahel my youngest brother, always tries to get us together or to make us laugh. He is a computer geek, always buried in one or the other devices, doing God knows what.

Realizing how broken my family is disappointed me. I feel like I failed my mom and my Xia.

As I was done killing this stupid man in front of me, who thought that he could get away after killing one of my men, my phone rang. Usually, the person on the other end would get a dose of my anger but seeing that it was an unknown number on my legal phone, I answered politely.

Hello, is Mr. Ortiz speaking?

Yes, whose there

I am Grace from social services. I would like to ask you if you are willing to get custody of your sister.

M-my sister.

Yes, Mr. Ortiz, the Stepparent of Miss Alicia was arrested due to their involvement in some drug scandal. And with some DNA check, we found she is related to you. So are you willing or else she will go into foster care?

No, tell me the address and I'll be there to get her as soon as possible.

That would be great, sir.

(Phone call ends)

My sister, Xia. When she was gone we had spent months and years to get at least one clue. As time passed we were all giving up the tiny hope we had to even see our sister ever.

Not wasting any time, I quickly asked Martin to gather each of our brothers into the living room.

Even though I have mastered the cold I-don't-give-a-fuck look, I was so happy today that anyone could tell that.

All my brothers were waiting for me in the living room.
" This better is important Lucas, I missed the party for it," Issac said but one look from me was enough to keep him shut.

" So I got a phone call today. Regarding our sister's custody. And long story short Alicia will be joining us for breakfast tomorrow. And one of you gets her room ready."

Being a mafia leader, the ability to read people's faces is w prerequisite. Different emotions in each of my brothers.

Martin - Shock and angry
Felipe - Surprised
Issac - Conflict between shock and surprise
Yahel - pure happiness

"Can I get her room ready please?" Yahel asked forcing his tears to not fall.

I nodded at him and everyone retired to their respective rooms. This is big news for every one of us.

I can't wait to have my princessa back. (Princess)

I would have gone to get her right now but due to stormy weather, I'll have to wait till morning.

Hermana voy a buscarte...
( Sister I am coming to get you)

Scared And ScarredHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin