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Sopping wet and cold.

A perfect combination, of course.

The tumultuous rain came down-pouring from out of the blue. Not one cloud in the sky, not even the scent of oncoming bad weather could be picked up by the girl's half-canine companion. Luckily, Soleil thought quick on his feet, and in very little time managed to find an abandoned cave, naturally carved from the rock in the green hillside. From the looks of it, it was most likely an old brumal den, used during winter-tide for Lycan kind. The cavern had been long since neglected, though. Overgrown with soft moss and rope-like vines.

Two months had passed following the day their long journey and unlikely partnership began. And yet, neither had managed to find themselves in such close quarters in the entirety of their travel than they had now. The cavern itself was small, not cramped, but only allowed enough space for maybe two or three people to stand comfortably, but not stretch their arms outward. It didn't help having one of the persons being a large, adult male Lycan. His left, fur slicked arm rested just behind the girl, knees kicked up and doggish head hung back. He had transformed only moments ago, pulling away the rock keeping the den itself sealed- he'd mentioned how shifting took a lot out of him. And for all intents and purposes he was exhausted. Lyra was in no better shape, however. She didn't have the same edge on random stormy weather as the Lycan man did. Her skin was exposed, pink and covered in goose bumps, while his repelled water and insulated his body well. Her shivering must've become more noticeable as he slowly opened his ember eyes and affixed his gaze over the smaller female.

"Why are you shaking, human?" His tone more curious than the usual cruelty.

Lyra glanced over at the wolfish man before shifting her eyes to the mouth of the cave. Her trembling increasing slightly as a chilled, mist-filled breeze blew over her bare skin.

"I'm cold."

It was a matter-of-fact statement. And how- she frowned- he couldn't piece that together himself was more annoying than endearing. Not all of us were built to endure the harshness of the changing seasons.

His ear flicked. A low hum of acknowledgement coolly passing through his lips. Silence once again overcame the cave. The rain pattered in puddles forming at the mouth, steadily bleeding into the grass outside. It didn't seem like it was going to stop anytime soon. Mid-evening had came and went, and not even the moon could peek its light through the thickness of the clouds.

Lyra adjusted a bit. She wanted to lean back, but not at the risk of being any closer to the broad male. He didn't enjoy being touched, and she didn't enjoy the presence of violent tyrants. Still, despite the biting chill in the air, her body was growing weaker, more tired. It'd be difficult to keep this up any longer.

"Human," the beast rumbled.

The two locked eyes, her sight dimmed in the darkness. Yet, his seemed to glow that ember fire she came to be so enamored with. He pulled his arm back, twisting his body until his chest faced hers. She knit her eyebrows together wondering just what exactly was he up to?

He reached for her shoulder and shoved her down unceremoniously, her tumbling into the warmth of his chest. Lyra's face blanched as she felt that all-to-familiar burn stretching up her ears, and down the expanse of her chest.

Soleil's muzzle ducked into the crook of her neck, nuzzling into her ear.

"You're as helpless as a pup," He mumbled, hot breath tickling her cheek.

"Can't have a charge of mine getting sick on me now, can I? Poor, weak human." The sly chuckle rumbling from his chest made her knees buckle. His free arm cradled the small of her back, affixing her place against him. Black claws grazed dangerously close to her skin, barred from her shirt riding up. She trembled as goose flesh trickled up the expanse of her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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