• Twenty-two

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Kim peeked from his back checking whether the ladies had left. Word would spread if she remained in this position so she softly tugged her arm away from him.

She was actually trying since it didn't bulge an inch. He held her strongly yet with much gentleness. It sounded ironical but there was no malice in his touch.

Sir Arthur sensed her movement and he turned around after sternly looking at the ladies peering at them by the entrance. They had scurried away and most were already leaving on their carriages.

"I'll see you later," Lily squeaked and rushed to her carriage waving at the two girls. Maybe just one because she could barely see Kim due to the large bulky body that was shielding her.

Kim waved back before Lily disappeared stepping away from their close proximity. She was beginning to get flustered all of a sudden.

"There's a store nearby," Sir Arthur looked down on his left side where she had moved away from his hold.

He watched her scrunch her brows at him in confusion so he added hesitantly, "I'd like to show you something."

His reply didn't clear her previous confusion though she nodded. Sir Arthur relaxed slightly veering her towards the gates hoping that he wasn't trying too much. He wanted to be in her presence.

Gwen and Faye must have disappeared suddenly because just as they left, Kim looked around but didn't spot them anywhere.

Their horses were however still in the reserved stables on the other end. Kim neither knew where the store was nor why they were headed but it felt nice to walk. She kicked the pebbles in the rocky path laughing inaudibly.

"You seem happy," Sir Arthur lifted his eyes to her small frame after hearing a laugh from her. He was feeling much at tease now that she wasn't quiet.

"Mmm, it feels nice to walk around." She replied pausing in her antics and peeking at him from the corner of her eyes. Kicking stones seemed childish to many people.

"Do you not walk around?" Sir Arthur queried his mouth lifting up an inch. He walked closer to her wanting to ensure she didn't trip on the stones. She was one clumsy lady.

"I mostly go everywhere with Zaine," Kim mumbled a bit rubbing her hands in her thick dress. They were getting sweaty by the walk though she wasn't sure whether it was due to the man beside her or because of her lack of exercise.

"Do I look unfit?" She asked again, before he could reply, staring up at him. She hoped she didn't look that bad. She would get breathless after a third of a kilometer.

He looked down at her face then to her shoulders and down to the rest of her petite body frowning. He seemed lost for a moment then shook himself from his dazed look and stared back into her doe eyes, "You're exquisite,"

Kim's face flushed, her cheeks tinting red and she looked ahead before he could notice her warming up. She could feel the heat crawl up to her neck so she cleared her throat.

"So, where are we going?" She attempted to detour the course of their conversation. She didn't want to pass out in the middle of the path because she could barely breath.

"A collection store down this path," Sir Arthur said making sure he didn't trail off. It had taken a while to find this place so he wasn't exactly sure if he knew the place too well.

He would have placed marks along the path but he even hadn't planned on visiting today. It was just a sudden suggestion though he had planned on bringing Kim here later on when he was fully prepared.

He pushed the door open moving to the right so Kimberly could enter first. He followed in after her watching as her shoulders twisted as she looked around.

Sir ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now