Chapter Seven

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Authors POV

The sun's ray graced the Rathore Palace as the Kings of the Palace were all sitting together waiting for their elder to talk as he called all of them here.

You all must be wondering why I have called all of you here. I have made a decision and that is related to Veer, said dada sa.

Everyone looked at Veer as he was sitting in his place like a true king as if nothing bothered him.

I have decided that Veer will be marrying Abir's daughter said dada sa.

And thats it eveyones eyes were like they were pulled out of their sockets. Dada sa was just waiting for the choas to happen and it did...

The youngers was just throwing question on question not even giving time to answer while the elders were just looking at Veer as if they were waiting for him to say its a joke but lets face it, thats Veer Singh Rathore and he never jokes well he does with peoples life.

Enough a booming sound came and evyone looked at dada sa. We do have a reason he said as he looked at Abhimaan, Abhimaan looked at his father and knew whatever he has decide its for the best.

Abir's daughter, her name is Pari. She is 23 years old and is the most Sweetest girl ever. I have met her but she won't remember me as that time she was younger. Abir called me saying that he wants Pari to marry Veer because he wants protection for her and I want her for Veer as we need a woman in this Palace,dada sa said as everyone's face turned soft for a second before changing back emotionless.

Today Abir and his elder son will be coming to talk about this and I want everyone to be present and its a order from the former King of Rajasthan.

They are going to here at 11 and be ready I don't want anyone to be late, dada sa said as everyone nodded their head.

Abhimaan POV

Abhimaan, baba sa call me as I turned around to look at him.

I know you don't have any questions but I still want to tell you, this girl is the only one who can help Veer and bring happiness in this Palace, baba sa said.

I looked at him shock as he nodded his head and said that Veer is already possessive with this girl and it is the first time I have heard that he has felt some other feeling other than anger.

I trust you baba sa I just hope she can bring light in this dark world of ours and become our peace, I said as baba sa nodded his head and said to get ready.

Abir's POV

We arrived at the palace as we went inside I saw baba sa standing there. I went towards him and he pulled me into a firm hug.

How are you, he asked. I'm fine baba sa I said as I took his blessings.

Kush raho, baba sa said as Adhir also came and took his blessings. Its been so long since I saw you. I know baba sa it is.

(*be happy*)

Let's go inside everyone is waiting baba sa said as he took us inside.

Abir.. it's been so long said Abhimaan as he came and hugged me tight.

Indeed it is bhai, I said as he left me. Ah Adhir kesie ho beta, Abhimaam asked as Adhir bend down and took his blessings.

(*how are you son*)

I'm fine, app kesie hai, asked Adhir. Oh I'm fine.

(*how are you*)

I looked behind him and saw the while family there, I met all of my brothers after so long and met our of my sons too.

Veer came and took my blessings and then we all sat down.

Let's eat and then we can discuss, said baba sa and we all agreed.

We had lunch while talking about business and now we at the Veer's office, its very big and spacious.

We sat down and baba sa asked about what we wanted to talk to about.

I know it wasn't right for me to ask about this relationship all of a sudden but I was helpless. Pari has had a very dark past which has given her fear. Fear of everything. Dark,sound,touch and moreover men. She fears them the most that she can't even breathe near them, I said as I looked at everyone to see they all had an emotionless look but I could see concern in their eyes except for Veers his was so dark that I couldn't even read them.

Authors POV

Hearing this made Veer feel angry, on what... Well its her past he wants to know what happened to her.

He looked at Abir and Abir just looked at him and said I don't want talk about her past as it is not my right to talk about it but I'm sure that Pari will talk about it in future with you when she starts to trust you.

But Abir what about her fear of men, asked bade hukum. As you know we only have men here in this Palace not even a single women except the maids.

I do know that and that's what I want to talk about. Pari has her sessions with her therapist and she helps her lot on this. But I want her to meet all of you one by one not to enforce or pressure her, said Abir.

Ok, said bade hukum and everyone agreed. What did you want to talk about baba sa, asked Abir.

I wanted to know about who is bothering her and you as soon as his word left his mouth, Veers hand had clench and so was his jaw. He looked at Abir and Adhir for an answer.

His name is Harsh, he is someone who has hurt Pari so much, Adhir said as his hand were in a fist. He had disappear 3 years ago but now he is back but we don't know where he is but we do know that he is taking tabs on whatever Pari is doing. Few days ago we had received a package and a letter and in that package they were Paris pictures.

Pictures of her going out with me, papa or Piyush. The letter had a threat written ro us saying that whatever we do, he will always find her and this time when if he gets her he will not her go- said Adhir as Veer interrupted.

IF, if he gets her but this time he won't because I'm here, don't worry this time she won't be only Pari Gayatri Chauhan,  this time she will be PARI VEER SINGH RATHORE the queen of Rajasthan and the Queen of the Mafia. He won't be able to touch a single strand of her hair, Veer said as he looked at Abir eyes and said don't worry, she will be safe and thats my promise he said in a booming cold voice which gave eveyone shivers down their spines.

Abir knew that his daughter was safe as the most powerful men in the world has promised him and he knew she would also get love and care in this family, even thought they act so cold they still have heart. Everyone does.

Abir nodded as he said, now we have to talk about this with Pari and we don't know what her reaction would be.

What do you think will be her reaction
Will she accept this
Will Veer really be able to protect her
Will the Rathore family really give her love and care she got from her family
Find out on The Royal Devil's Peace.

Authors Note
Hello Everyone, how are you. I'm so sorry for taking so long but I just couldn't find the time to post. But now I have and I hope you like it.

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Love you beautiful angels

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