An Intriguing Offer

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Bailey felt almost giddy as she stepped into Jack's condo. She couldn't even remember how they'd gotten from the car to the elevator and her body was still tingling from what he'd done with those talented fingers.

Once they were inside she didn't have time to think.

The moment Jack shut the door, she found herself pressed against it, and her sun dress sliding off her body to pool on the floor. Her panties were ripped from her in a swift yank.

"I'll buy you new ones," Jack grunted at her startled gasp, as the remnants of lace fell away.

He kissed her thoroughly while his hands moved roughly over her breasts, setting her nerves on fire everywhere he touched.

Then her own hands were in his hair, gripping tight. He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. His hand was between them for mere seconds, loosening his pants, then he was inside her, taking her hot and fast exactly as he'd promised. All she could do was hang on and ride the desperate need that was raging inside her.

"More," she managed to say through her swollen lips, ravaged from his kisses, as he braced one hand against the wall and used the other to press her tighter against him, his mouth moving down the side of her neck, then lower as his teeth scraped over her breast. "More," she said again, and she was afraid she would never have enough of him.

"Take everything," was his response, as he drove into her over and over until the world shattered around them.

Breathing. Breathing was all she could manage. It took a few minutes, but Jack was finally able to stagger backward, her legs still clamped around his waist, and get them to the couch. He sank onto it with Bailey sprawled on top of him.

"That was . . . next level. . . " she said, when she was finally able to speak. Her breath was coming in ragged bursts, and she felt exhausted and exhilarated at the same time. Sex with Jack was always amazing, but this had been, well, like she'd said, next level. How was she ever going to give him up?

She knew she had to, and soon. She better say something now, she thought, before she got in too deep. It was too risky, sneaking off with him into the pool house. People would start to talk.

She lifted her chin on his chest to broach the subject, then just sighed as she stared into those remarkable blue eyes, normally clear but now still the deep hue they took on with passion. The were the color of a stormy sea, and she felt her soul disappearing into their depths.

He managed a slightly crooked smile, and ran his free hand through his unruly hair, only managing to muss it up further than she had already done. His hand was settled comfortably on her bottom.

"Next level, huh?" he said, before she had a chance to speak.

"Yeah." She settled back down, turning her head to the side to rest it on his chest. There was no need to spoil the moment.

No need to tell him until morning that she just couldn't do this any more. It was the last thought she had before she drifted off to sleep.

* * *

Jonathon set the tray down on the bedside table, and looked at Bailey, her short blond hair spread out on the pillow like a halo. He walked over to the window and opened the custom blinds to let the sun stream in, then went back and sat down on the bed next to her as her eyes blinked awake.

She scrunched up her nose and sniffed audibly.

"Do I smell coffee?"

Bailey sat up, mindless of the covers slipping away to expose what Jonathon had decided were the most beautiful breasts he'd ever seen. He leaned down and kissed the tip of each nipple then shook his head and went over to his dresser, grabbed a neatly folded t-shirt out of the drawer, and tossed it to her.

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