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BloodBaby wants to send you a private message.

BloodBaby: Hello!~

Aizu: Hello hun, are you okay?

BloodBaby: Of course I am!
BloodBaby: Why wouldn't I be?

Aizu: A lot of reasons, but mainly
Aizu: I didn't expect you to message me

BloodBaby: Well, you're fun!
BloodBaby: I'm also trying to cheer up Dabi

Aizu: Is he okay?

BloodBaby: He's in a bad mood

Aizu: Cranky or a depressive episode?

BloodBaby: ...
BloodBaby: Yes

Aizu: Oh boy

BloodBaby: So I was wondering if you could cheer him up!

Aizu: I can try, but I didn't friend him

BloodBaby: Here!

BloodBaby has sent 1 contact.

Aizu: Thank you!

BloodBaby: Good Luck!

You have started a new conversation.
Dabi & Aizu chat 

Aizu: Hello?


Aizu: Dabi?


Aizu: B i t c h


Aizu: Where is my favorite defective fireplace?

Crispy: ...I wasn't going to answer you
Crispy: But what the f u c k

Aizu: Is it wrong?

Crispy: Fuck you

Aizu: Maybe later 

Crispy: What-
Crispy: I'm not in the mood for your shit

Aizu: I'm actually here to cheer you up

Crispy: And how the fuck are you going to do that?

Aizu: Remember how you asked if I knew stuff about you?

Crispy: Yeah? 
Crispy: You said you did
Crispy: Creepy asshole

Aizu: I'm electing to ignore that last part

Crispy: Whatever

Aizu: I screwed your dad over
Aizu: Like- permanently 


Aizu: First of all, calm down
Aizu: Secondly, you're the oldest sibling
Aizu: With a broken mentality and daddy issues

Crispy: ...
Crispy: Fucking rude

Aizu: It's a specialty of mine

Crispy: What did you do?

Aizu: Y'know that huge ego of his?

Crispy: Unfortunately.

Aizu: I crushed it

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