Chapter 6

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I could not believe my eyes. My blood started to boil. It took everything in me to not grab my gun. I had pulled in to a parking garage with the anticipation of parking only to see a car rocking. I glanced over laughing at first then.....Low and behold it's my fucking wife rocking it!!!

Who was this random nigga she fucking? I felt a rage boil inside me like never before. I really can't believe Na would do something like this. And in a fucking parking garage on some hoe shit! We've never fucked in a car. Not even gone lie she hurt me for the very first time. And for it to be on this level. Wow!

"Na I'm bout to nut!" Don was smacking my ass as I bounced!

"Cum in me daddy..." I leaned forward poking my ass out more. I looked forward to check to see if the cost was clear. I seen a all too familiar white bmw coupe speed off. I froze. Don had just came.

"You good babe?" Don said fixing himself.

"Yeah I'm alright can we please go now?" I was terrified.

"Yeah but you need to tell me what's up I can tell your off."

"Please I don't want to talk about it right now. Let's just get home."

I was panicking on the inside. I didn't know what to do. I was more so hoping maybe it was just my brain tricking me that it was him or just a car that looks like his. But mostly if it was him it was only a matter of time before shit hit the fan.

3 weeks rolled around and Don and Naomi couldn't have been more happy. Don showered her with gifts and flowers. Massaged her feet all the time and sexed her every night. She also managed to dodge every time he brought up the garage thing.

I was sitting on the couch retwisting Dons dreads. He was on the phone with his mom and massaging my feet.

"Alright ma I'll talk to you later. Love you."

"Babe a few days ago Mya asked me to go on a family vacation with them. I'm thinking of going well like 90% sure I'm gonna go. I wanna put our differences behind us and move forward I would love for DJ to see that side of his family."

"I think you should go babe. That would be great! Please tell me it's in the states though your what 6 months almost 7 now. I'm not sure about them long plane rides."

"Okay doctor daddy. Even if it is out of the country I'm with my family. I'm sure they wouldn't let anything happen to me."

"I take your word bae. These yo folks. When is it?"

"The day after tomorrow. I know short notice babe but we will only be gone for four days. No doctors appointments missed. My assistant knows. So I'm just running it by you daddy."

"Really babe? The assistant knows before I do. You know how I feel I'm not trying to run your life but your apart of mine. I love coming home to your big belly and swollen ankles. I would've liked to known sooner. Shit liked to be the first. Imma let you slide with this one. But you good ma have fun!"

"Come shopping with me tomorrow babe."

"Baaaae why?" Don threw his head back pleading.

"Because I want you to carry my bags while I eat ice cream and spend a check." I giggled.

The next day Naomi and Don were strutting together in Lenox square mall. Of course Don has Gucci bags, boutique store bags, and every other store in the mall just about.

"Bae cmon now you said the trip four days!"

"Bae I need new clothes too look at me!" I stopped and turned towards him my belly almost bumping him.

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