-Chapter I-

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The sizzling of metal being melded into two sounded throughout the inside of the train, Thomas quickly making work of the lock as he was cutting a hole in it. Once he got it off, he pushed the door open.

Walking inside with Thomas, Newt, Miles and Harriet, Evelyn started rapidly searching the train for her best friend.

"Aris, hey." Thomas said placing his hand on the boys shoulder, his face paler than normal and left eye swollen and purple.

"It's okay. You guys are safe." Evelyn gave the kids a half smile as she started to grow concerned not seeing the familiar black hair or small eyes of the boy, a slight panic setting in.

She turned back to the group after letting out a curse once hitting the back of the train, no Minho in sight. "He's not here."


"Come on in guys." Vince called to all the kids they had freed from the train, the man standing atop an old port dock.

Evelyn leaned back against a wall a little bit away so she could hear him, her attention then being grabbed by the presence that came up beside her.

She sent Thomas the smallest of smiles which he returned as he leaned his shoulder against the same wall. "Speech time?" Thomas asked the girl who only nodded in response. She was not happy knowing Minho was still in the hands of Wicked.

"Okay, everybody listen up. I know you've all been through hell. I wish I could say our troubles are over. But we're not through this yet. Wicked's still out there. They're not giving up. Cause you got something they want. They took you because you're immune to a plague that's wiping out the human race and they think you're worth sacrificing to find a cure. Well I don't." A small round of applause spread amongst the crowd before he continued.

"So in two days, when we get this tub of rust seaworthy." Vince pointed up to the rusted old boat docked behind him. "We're getting the hell out of here. We're going to go to a place where Wicked will never find you."

Thomas laid a kiss on Evelyns cheek as a small goodbye so she grinned at him before turning her attention back to Vince as he continued on.

She really didn't want to go when she doesn't have Minho with her.

"His speeches are getting more and more compelling." Miles said coming up and standing next to Evelyn, the girl sending him a small smile and chuckle at his words. "You okay?"

"No." She answered simply pursing her lips. Unfortunately that was her common answer to that question lately. "Not until I know he's okay."

"I understand. We'll figure it out though right, Spot?" He slung his arm around her shoulder and sent her a big smile which proved not helpful so he crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue earning another laugh.

"I don't know Sunny." She said wrapping her arm around his shoulder too.

"Well I think so. And you trust me right?"

"I don't think you want my genuine answer." She replied.

He only scoffed stepping away from the crowd with Evelyn at his side. "Okay, then take my word for it. We will get Minho back and we'll all make it to the Safe Haven because it is our right to get there safely and all in one piece!" He announced with a very confident tone that almost convinced Evelyn it was true.

He kept reassuring her in the small time it took them to get to the room that Aris and Sonya were in along with the rest of their little group.

"Took you guys long enough to rescue us." Aris chuckled after taking a sip from a tin cup given to him by Harriet, Evelyn and Miles walking past him and turning to face him but not without the girl nudging his shoulder lightly.

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