28. Take Me With You

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"If it rains on you, the drops will fall on me."


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Right. You were leaving soon. Didn't know it was this soon. There was yet so much to do. All the things that included Jungkook. Only him. The thought of staying wasn't on your list but things have changed for good. Suddenly you wanted to stick to him and leave everything to be with him.

You look at him, only to meet with the pair of doe eyes that yearn for your presence. Making you have those damn butterflies. So many of them.

You lay your cheek on your rested palm and sigh, staring at his orbs. Lovingly. "Mhm? What about it?" You ask, dazed. Wanted to hear it from his lips.

Jungkook crosses his arms on the bed, rests his chin on his arms and positions himself in front of you. "You are leaving. That's what I'm saying."

You hum, "I know."

He sighs, "Postpone the flight? Will do it for you if you want to." He tries. Doesn't want to watch you leave yet. Wants to spend as much time as he can with you. Leaving no second wasted. Just you and him.

Can't seem to see himself without you anymore. Like, now he's attached and knitted perfectly in your threads. Not wanting to spend any second away from you. Be here with you, in your presence and your arms.

You pucker your lips and notice his bangs ghosting his eyes. Raise your fingers and softly brush them away neatly as he blinks. "You think so?" God, you loved his hair. Could lifetime obsess over them.

Jungkook shuts his eyes and nods, loving how you run your fingers through his hair. Doesn't want you to stop. "If you want, I'd come with you." He pursues his way without a thought and it stops you.

"What?" You question, lower your fingers. Taken aback. Jungkook opens his eyes and stares at you. "Hm?" He talks as if it wasn't obvious. "Either you're staying or I'm coming along." Jungkook shrugs, "You haven't thought about it yet, I suppose."

You want to talk it out but nothing comes out. He's made you speechless again. Coming with you? Damn. You scratch your nape, tilting your head in thoughts, "Well, I wouldn't mind staying, got to get ready for University but I can—" You let it out and Jungkook cuts you, nods, and agrees. "Right? Understandable, you need at least a month. All the packing and stuff for University."

You hum hesitant and he sits upright looking at you, folding his legs. "Alright, I'm coming then."

"Jungkook?" You copy his position. Get up, fold your legs too and clasp your fingers together on your leg, "You're saying you'll come for a month?" You ask, not able to see the certainty of it. How could he just leave and come for a month?

"Anything for you, Y/n. I'm willing to do anything for you." Jungkook confesses, his expression is serious. As if he's not just saying it lightly. Means each word. "You've made me wait ten years, was far away from me. Met me now. Don't wanna watch you leave when we're just starting."

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