baby clothes

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After playing Candyland with Sophie, I realized that I had to go to the bathroom and needed ask mom to take my diaper offf. I i got started to walk toward  out of her room fo find mom but she tackled me to the ground.
"If you have to pee, just use your diaper," Sophie said.
"Get off of me!" I said. I tried to stand up, but Sophie kept me pinned to ground.
"Just let it out, baby sis," Sophie said "Go on. Do it!"

I struggled against my sister but I couldn't hold my pee in. I felt my diaper become soaked and heavy.

Sis got off of me. "Aw, did Baby sis have an accident? Don't worry, I'll get Mommy to change you." Before I could protest, sis ran out of the room.

Mommy walked in a few moments later. "Sweety, come to Mommy.

I walked over to Mom. I had never felt so embarrassed in my life. There I was, a 6 year old boy wearing  pink t-shirt and soaked diaper.

Mommy picked me up and we walked back to my sis room she laid me down on changing table. She pulled shirt off the  I was wearing and walked into now my  closet.
"Mommy, I'm cold," I said.

"If you hadn't had an accident, you wouldn't be cold," Mommy said to me. She walked back with a pink baby dress and a matching pair of plastic panties.

 She walked back with a pink baby dress and a matching pair of plastic panties

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"Do I really have to wear a dress?" I asked.

"It's this, or only a diaper. Your choice," Mom said.

I had no choice just wear baby dress.

Mommy pulled out anotrher pampers diaper out of the changing table and i had again cover my places that she wont see it while she took my saoked diaper off.

Mommy pulled out anotrher pampers diaper out of the changing table and i had again cover my places that she wont see it while she took my saoked diaper off

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I felt the the pwder all over and diaper being pulled and taped on both sides. I was then put in the pink baby dress and plastic panties.

"If you have another accident, you'll be wearing diapers for the next few years and be treated like baby " Mommy threatened.

But mom i try to said...

No buts young lady another wet diaper and you wont see panties for long time understood?

I nod yes mom understood.

"Now, be a good girl and I'll consider letting you wear your big girl clothes and panties ." She picked me up and carried me into the kitchen.

We walked  into the kitchen.
"You look pretty in that dress sis," Sophie smiled.
"Thank you " I said nervously.

She put me on chair.

Mommy gave my my sister (now my brother) and me chicken nuggets and vegetables.

After dinner mommy lets us go watch some cartoons.

Mom: Willie take yuo baby sister hand and go watch some cartoons you two.

Willie: come on baby sis he took my hand and led us to living room there he turned some cartoons.

After about an hour passed and mom came to room.

Ok you to its time go prepare for bed.

Mom came and picked me up owk sweety time for bed but yuor brtoher can stay for longer.

Willie :But mom why i cant stay longer?

Mom: Sweety you no house rule yes that one who were diapers right?

Willie: yes mom that one who wear diaper have to go to bed early.

Mom: Thats right she carried me to room while my sis( now brother went to my room).

The mom putted me down and checked my diaper>

Mom: good girl not wet diaper if you have dry diaper in morning me might let you wear panties but if you have wet diaper no more panties for you for long long time.

My Sister( now brother )was standing near the door and ehard that if me ahd wet diaper i will have to wear then all the time.

Sophie: I no best idea she thinked and run to back to room.

Mom undressed em adn put on one of my sisters babie nightgown.


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Then mom placed me in my sisters crib. I was wearing a thick diaper and aMy Little Pony nightgown. Mom had also put a pair of pink ballet slippers on my feet.

"I don't want my little princess to have cold feet," she had said while putting them on and cover me with blankie.

Good night sweety mom kissed my head and left room and turning light off.

 tried to fall asleep but couldn't. I noticed the teddy bear that Mom had left for me. 

It looked like it would help me fall asleep. 'Why not? This can't get any worse.' I grabbed the bear and held it close and suddenlly falled asleep.

About 15mins later later i falled asleep  my sis( now brother) came in with  bowl of warm water.

 She pulled my hand away from my teddy bear and laid it carefully into the bowl of water. A few minutes later, she got rewarded with a hissing sound under the blankie as I proceeded to soak my diaper.

Wow it worked sis said and giggled i always wanted baby sister.

Now mom definettly gonna keep you in diapers  and i thing i will offer mommy since yuo baby she shuold start treating you like one.

She then placed my arm back on teddy and picked bowl.

Good night baby sis your new babyhood will start tomorow and i cant wait to see what mom will do.

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