17. The Texts

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Note: Below are text messages between Kamran (in bold) and Farah, over a period of 4 months. 


After Ahad's valima

F: How did the valima go?

K: Good. I didn't go into SVT 

F: 😂 Glad to hear that


When Kamran heads back to the US

F: Safe travels. Let me know when you reach. 

K: Thank you and will do. 

K: Also, just so you know I'll be making special prayers on the plane

F: Special prayers? 🤔

K: Yes. Apparently prayers made enroute get answered very easily. Last time I travelled and prayed for Ahad he got married. 

F: That is hilarious 😂 I applaud your efforts to get married.

K: I told you I would do everything in my power 😉


When Kamran reaches US

K: Just landed in Seattle. 

K: Question for you. Are you ready to get married to me yet?

F: ???? 😕

K: Never mind. Just checking how fast prayers from up in the sky work

K: And I can see that my sense of humor will not convince you to marry me!

F: Not quite! But you get full marks for trying 😊

K: 😂 

K: Let me deal with a few things at uni and then you can start grilling me for real


The questions begin

K: Ok, I am ready to be interrogated. What do you want to know?

F: Kamran, just for the record this is not meant to be a cross-examination. There is no pass or fail. I just believe that marriage is not just about butterflies in your stomach and pretty dresses at a wedding. 

F: That is all temporary

F: There is a practical aspect to it as well which is all the more important when a medical doctor and a PhD doctor are planning to spend their life together. 

K: I get it Farah. I really do. Ignore my silliness. Tbh I really admire how maturely you are approaching this. 

F: Thank you. You just earned yourself a point! 😂

K: Yaaayy 😎🎉🥳

F: Your sense of humor is definitely growing on me 😊 

F: Ok, first question: Would you have any problem with me working after getting married?

K: No...next question

F: Fyi my work will not be like the normal 9-5 job, I'll be out some nights, and too tired to do anything but sleep on others

K: Sounds good...next question

F: I don't know how to cook

K: I do. Been practicing for four years...next

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