Young & Ringless - S01E02

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Caroline accuses Gabi of stealing her missing engagement ring.

Letsss start




The scene is in Gabi Apartment, Sophia just walks in wearing jogging outfits

Sofia: Hurry up Gabi it's your first day you can't be late.[ opens and closed the door]

Gabi: I know, I know I'm freaking out. I can't find the right outfit. I need something that makes me look professional, capable and like I didn't sleep with my boss.

Sofia: Well we know he likes you in that.

Gabi: Will you just help me please?

Sofia: Ok, It's very simple.He's engaged so from now on you're going to have to wear clothes.

Gabi: I know that. Did you work out?

Sofia: Yes I jogged to the the car dealership for free donuts, to the bank for free coffee and to the coffee shop for free toilet paper.

Gabi: Wow, that's like two miles you totally won't have to sneak into the gym later.... (spills coffee on her shirt) Oh man. This costs five bucks.

Sofia: Gabi get it together, today is the first day of your dream job. Ok it's a stepping stone to a one day being a modern, blonder way hotter Julia Child. So I say this from the bottom of my heart. Don't screw it up.

Gabi: Is that toilet fleshing or my self confidence going down the drain.

Sofia: It's the toilet, I called our landlord three times. And if you need confidence, you're gonna need a power pose.

Gabi: Power what now?

Sofia: It's where you stand like this, you put your hands on your hips and say I got this!

Gabi: I got this?

Sofia: Ok, it's not a question, say it like you mean it. Like your job and paying our electric bill depends on it.

Gabi: I got this!!

Sophia: Attagirl [ slap Gabi Butt]

Theme song


next scene

Gabi Arrived and walked through the Front door

Gabi: Good morning Yolanda. (singing) The first day I'm up to cook away. [take off jacket and purse and put on sofa] All righty! What do I start with?

Yolanda: By picking those up. I'm Josh's housekeeper, not yours.

Gabi: [ picks up stuff] Sorry. First day I messed up already.

Yolanda: And If you want to stay on my good side and you do. Keep your things in the laundry room, kitchen clean and please stop singing.[ walk away]

Elliot: Well, well, well look who's back. Did you have sex with anybody in the elevator on the way up?

Gabi: I was hoping that we could just have a fresh start and never talk about that again.

Elliot: Ohhhh, no.

Gabi: Elliot can you just pretend to like me?

Elliot: I stopped pretending to like girls in high school.

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