Cayde: Now thats a big Crow... ima kill it!

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Both Cayde and Pyrrha wonder through the woods until they stumble upon a cave with weird writing on the wall.

Cayde: Think this is it?

They then enter the cave but it was too dark so Cayde decided to call out for him little but to shine some light in the cave.

Cayde: Ok little buddy time to light the way.

Pyrrha: Little buddy?

Sundance: *appears next to him* You got it partner.

Pyrrha: *shocked* Um Cayde who or what is that?

Cayde: Oh Pyrrha meet my other partner Sundance, Sundance, Pyrrha.

Sundance: It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person Pyrrha. I'm a ghost well I'm Caydes ghost.

Pyrrha: Ghost?

Sundance: Ghost are-

Cayde: Hey buddy let's tell her after the initiation and form a team ok. It will be better if we explain it to a whole team instead of doing it person to person.

Sundance: Ok Cayde.

Pyrrha: Ok? Well anyway I don't think this is it?

Sundance: She's right. I detected an enemy ahead.

Cayde: Then let's bring it out shall we.

Cayde then throws a three grenades that are strapped with duct tape and threw it at the end of the cave. He also grabs Pyrrha by her arm and ran towards the exit. As they an explosion accrued and the a Deathstalker came out screaming in pain.

Cayde: That's right you overgrown bug! Take tha-

But before he could finish the deathstalker sweeps it's stinger and hits him so hard it was a home run.

Cayde: Aaaaaaaaaa.

Pyrrha: Cayde!

She looks back at the Deathstalker and immediately makes a break for it. As time passes by Cayde flew in the air for quite sometime wonder "why are we here?" until he randomly collided with Ruby midair and landed in a tree.

Ruby: What was that?

Cayde: Ahem... hi little red.

He then jumps down on his feet a and saw two there people at the temple. He gestures Ruby to come down which she landed on Cayde's arms holding her bridle style. Seeing on where she is at now she blushed and move like crazy trying to make Cayde let go of her.

Cayde: Looks like someone is a bit squeamish.

Ruby: *blush* S-shut up!

Blake: Did you sister fell from the sky?

Yang: I-


Nora: Yeehaww! Awh is broken.

Ren: NORA! Please don't ever do that again.

But before could finish she was gone within a blink of an eye. He then sees her at the temple looking one of the chess pieces specifically the castle one.

Nora: Oooooooo I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!!!

Ren: NORA!!!

Nora: *giggle* coming Ren.

Blake: Did that girl just ride on an Ursa?

Yang: I-

Then out of nowhere Pyrrha was running away and being chased down by an angry Deathstalker on her tail.

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