The World Around Us

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Hey, here's the chapter. Enjoy :)

Grey, if words could describe the scene, it would be grey. Smoke could be seen raising up into the air, mud and water stretched for miles as barbwire could be seen tangled in either trees, earth, or bodies.

Bodies, bodies, bodies, and more bodies. Bodies of the damned could be seen stretching for miles. Some could be seen buried beneath the mud, while others could be seen to have rotten away for months. Though, one particular thing was common about all the men who lay died in this damned place.

These men were dressed in uniforms, uniforms that could be described to exist during the Great War. On some corpses of the rotten field wore a grey uniform with a Stahlhelm on their heads or laying next to whatever remained of said head. The next were men dressed in uniforms of a dark green trench coat with a Brodie helmet.

Though the uniforms were the same, the badges they wore were completely different. On the German like uniforms were badges of a double headed lion while the American ones had star like badges. It was strange, yet it was natural considering that this was a different world.

With a booming blast of artillery, an explosion could be seen as they deformed the earth even more than it already is. Even the bodies that were caught up in the explosions were not spared the descent as they were either blown to bits or mangled even more than they already were.

Limbs and guts spilled out across the field, though it wasn't long before the scene changed to that of a trench. Yelling and explosions could be heard as men dressed in German uniforms adorn by their helmets could be seen running about as explosions and dirt echoed around the men.

Machine guns could be heard firing as more and more of the trench is revealed. Some men could even be seen standing on blocks along the trench as they fired their bolt action rifles. One was shot in the head, falling back down into the trench where his face could be seen, caved in by the bullet that went through his eye.

It affected no one as they all continued on as explosions and screams continued. Though, eventually a lone soldier could be seen sitting underneath a sheet of cover. He held his head within one hand over his helmet while the other clutches a rifle close to his shoulder. He would have remained there, though the screams and orders of the near by officer had different plans.

"Move! Move! Counter attack! Counter- Paul, get over here!" Moving over to the now named Paul, the officer grabbed hold of Paul's shoulder before pulling him over toward a section of the trench that had several ladders to lead to the desolate waste land of mud.

Now standing before the ladders, several others could be seen standing next to them. One man in particular who was standing before Paul quickly looked up to give a glance toward the young man. "Hans." Nodding their heads, the two give one final glance before the order is given.

"Over the trenches! Go! Go! Go!!" Blowing his trench whistle, Hans quickly took his first step up the ladder, then his second, his third, until he was shot in the head and fell down next to Paul. Shocked and scared, Paul moved over to Hans.

"Hans? Hans?" Shaking his dead friend's shoulder, Paul hopelessly tried waking up the now dead Hans.

"Paul! Move, over the trench!!" Seeing the still soldier, the officer took hold of Paul's shoulder before forcing him up on the ladder. Paul was now climbing up the ladder. He wasn't shot and was able to reach the top of the trench.

Everything become muffled shortly after as an artillery shell landed in front of him. Though, it didn't kill him, it knocked him back in a daze. For a moment, he remained on the ground but was quick to recover and quickly started running. 

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