A notice

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Edeemer17: hey guys it's me Edeemer17 and I got some big news regarding Speculative Park and the future of my channel and I want all of you to read this while you can 

Now for Speculative Park, I've decided to cancel it, now I know you all enjoyed it a lot but I have my reasons on why I didn't like it that much

For one the direction it went into, I originally liked the Bond between Lincoln and the Prehistoric Dragon Ash but I realized that Lincoln & Thunder's bond make a lot more sense

Than Lincoln and Ash's, I feel like a bond like that would only work with a Dragon from the How To Train Your Dragon universe and not something from a 2004 mockumentary

Where dragons are supposed to be animals in the storyline I feel like Ash or his mother would've most likely had been curious about Lincoln & Sid in the first episode

but I humanized them a bit too much when they're supposed to be actual animals

Now I did in fact enjoy a Neanderthal undertaking since in that episode it makes sense to humanize our closest extinct hominid cousins

plus the viewership of each episode declined a lot probably because most people lost interest and on how I pretty much screwed up in some areas of that story 

and before you all ask yes I was originally going to continue speculative park into a series on Wattpad but as I saw the reader viewership decline in not just speculative park

But all of my older and recent stories I didn't know what to do but to cancel the season and just reboot speculative park all together make it a little better

First starting off with a prologue storyline since in the description of the original this is a sequel and an AU to the 2017 infamous Loud House episode "No Such Luck" which

Lincoln suffered because of his sister Lynn calling him bad luck and he takes advantage of it by lying however the cruelty Lincoln went through was way too much for a simple lie

Now after that prologue storyline is done I'll make the reboot to Speculative Park and will most likely start it with the Nine Realms with hopefully if any of you are Deviantart users

Who made redesigns of the nine realms dragons can allow me to use and give credit to your artwork for the dragons themselves

Now episode 2 will still be a Neanderthal Undertaking but I'll make it at least each episode 40 minutes long like Prehistoric Park's 6 episode run

and I'll try to put more focus on Lori and Lincoln's life outside of the park itself in fact I might make some 10 to 20 minute slice of life episodes on the side of

the actual speculative park episodes

And I will try to develop a friendship between Lincoln and the animals or creatures he'll most likely befriend in the reboot as well

and before you ask yes I'll most likely do an episode off of my fanfic 4.5 where they'll head to that stories universe and rescue a lot of alien creatures before the mass extinction

That wipes them out and creates the birth of the moon itself now the reboot will most likely be published sometime in 2024 so unfortunately

You'll all have to wait a little while for this reboot but be glad that I am remaking it into hopefully a much better version of the fanfic than the original one

onto the topic of my Fanfiction account in general now Edeemer17 itself is not doing do well

and it's mostly my fault because I went into an "The Incredibles" phase because of The Incredibles (Lobby Style) Mrs Incredible and The Incredi-Amphibians

and I am deeply sorry for them because it took a lot of you away from my account and thus my readership declined as a result of my actions to the point that

I may just give up my Wattpad account and give up on my stories as a result

I do somewhat regret making those stories, I enjoyed making them but I also should've focused on my older stories and updating them for all of you to read and enjoy

I tried going back to original stories with like 4.5 and Amphibia: Interdimensional adventures

However one is failing and the other was a essentially the Wattpad equivalent of a Box Office Bomb/Flop

and now it's most likely because of my actions of not only making those stories but moving to a new account temporarily that Edeemer17 itself maybe coming to an end

That is if you can help a brother out...... you can help by sending links to my older stories and my account itself, my friends on this website are trying their hardest but it is not enough

I need all of your help and support to save my account from complete collapse and abandonment

If you want to do a hastag (if you'd want to) then type down #SaveEdeemer17 I need all the help I can get in order for my older stories to continue on and for newer ones

To be enjoyed by a lot of people now I currently have a new story that's based off of a mixture of the 2013 film Superman film Man of Steel with a hint of the tv series invincible in it called

A kryptonian viltrumite family and currently like 4.5 it's failing a lot however if it can get from 1k to 2k readership viewers (with the first two chapters)

then I'll start updating the older stories and make them my top priority over the newer ones

And I mean it this time around, but only if you can help me out spread the word out to any of your friends, tell them to send a link to my account to their friends and so on and so forth

Hopefully with time and effort from you all I may still have a future on Wattpad after all

Now this is Edeemer17 signing out and thank you for all of your time for this 

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