Chapter 4

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If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

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If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

"Hey." I say to Allison after we found her standing at her locker. 

"I love your jacket, you're new here, right?" She looks a bit startled but also a bit relieved that someone talked to her. 

"Thank you." she said a bit nervous. "Yes, I'm new here. I'm Allison."

I smiled at her, "I'm Lydia and this is Jackson." Jackson gave her a smile and wrapped his arm around me. 

I felt myself leaning closer towards him, this feels really nice. I feel a tingling going through me, giving me warm feeling. I feel safe with Jackson. 

I look towards Jackson and see him looking back at me with slightly wide eyes. Did he feel that too? Does this feeling mean anything?

I gave him a quick smile while turning back to the conversation with Allison. 

"There's a party this weekend. Friday night." I tell her. 

It already looks like she's thinking about excuses to tell us as to why she can't come to the party. I never really understood why people have to do that. I mean what's wrong with saying 'I don't feel like going' or 'I don't like party's'.

"Yeah, you should come." Jackson added. 

I saw Allison panic a little before saying, "Uh, I can't. It's family night this Friday. Thanks for asking though." 

At least that line didn't change. I already know I don't even have to bother asking it twice. I know Scott is going to ask her out tonight, so I know she ends up going after all. 

"That's okay, family nights are more important than a party." I say while imagining how a family night would feel like. 

That would be fun. What do you do at a family night though? Board games? Watching movies?

Allison smiled at me, probably glad that I believed her excuse. 

"Well, Jackson has lacrosse practice in a few minutes. Would you like to come watch with me?" I ask her a little nervous. 

I've never made friends like this before. It's nerve wracking, not knowing what they're going to say. I feel Jacksons grip tightening a bit. 

"Yes sure, I would love to." she answers, happy that someone already wanted to be her friend.

I beamed brightly at her. Is this going to be my first friend? 

"Great!" I say excited. 

"We can sit somewhere in the back. So that you are less likely to get a ball in your face. I mean it probably doesn't happen often, but you never know. It hurts when something hard hits you on your head, you know. 

Oh but don't worry I still have some chocolate in my bag for if it does happen." I rambled happily as I made my way through the hall.

I turned back around when I noticed that they weren't walking along with me. 

"What?" I ask confused when I saw them looking at me with surprise and amusement. 

"What are you waiting for? You're going to be late."

"Lydia, calm down." Jackson laughed while they were walking towards me. "I'm not going to be late, don't worry."


Allison and I made our way towards the bleachers. 

"So how did your first day go?" I asked her while sitting down. 

"It was alright, people are really nice to me so far." she told me as we were watching the lacrosse team walk onto the field. 

"That's good." I said as I laughed a little at the way coach was talking to Scott. 

"Who is that?" I heard Allison ask when Scott walked over to the goal. 

There it is, I was waiting for that question. Do I act like I don't know who he is? I mean it's way more fun to surprise him, isn't it? 

"Him? That's Scott McCall. Why do you want to know?" I asked her. 

I saw Scott's eyes widen as he looked my way, letting me know that he was listening to us. I wonder how many times that's going to happen. I like surprising people with knowledge they don't think I have, it's funny.

"Oh, he's in my English class." she tells me while Scott catches the ball with his face. 

That's actually a pretty good technique though. I mean as long as it keeps the ball out of the goal it works, doesn't it? 

"He seems like he's pretty good." Allison tells me. 

Yeah, I would be great in sports too if I suddenly got some cool super powers. 

"Yes, very good." I smiled while taking a look at Stiles. I always thought it was cute that he's so supportive of his friends.

After a couple more failed attempts of trying to get the ball in the goal, I see Jackson walking to the front of the line. 

He turns around to look back at me. He looks nervous. Does he think I'm not going to like him anymore if he doesn't score? I give him a reassuring smile while holding up the other chocolate bar I put in my bag this morning, trying to let him know that it's alright if he fails because I'll still be here. 

I'm such an idiot though, how is he suppose to understand that. 

It's really not that easy to say all that with just holding up a chocolate bar, but at the way he looked at me I think he got the message. 

He lets out a quiet laugh and smiles at me before turning back around, looking a lot less tense.

"You two are so cute together, it's adorable." I heard Allison say next to me. 

For some reason it made me feel really happy when she said that. 

"Thank you." I say back quietly. 

Am I allowed to feel this way? I mean it feels like I stole someone's boyfriend.

Well I'm taking over her life anyway, right? Might as well make the best of it.

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