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"Valentine." she spoke as if pulling him out of a dream.

"Lainey..." He called out, his eyes barely open. "Lai--ney..." Tears are stricking down her eyes yet a smile drew. "My L--lainey." He tried to reach for her face but he was too weak. Lucy hold on him and let him caressed her face once more.

"Lainey." His words are getting quieter. He continued repeating her name as if it was the only word he knows.

She remained quiet, letting him fill in the void of missing Laine. Repeating her name until he couldn't. His hand limped from her hold as his last breath dissipates. He's gone.She leaned onto him, as if kissing him goodnight. Whispering something on his ears.

"Rest now, my King." Her voice was different as if the King is just sleeping. As if she is not just Lucy...

"Laine." I realized what I just uttered. Shaking my head, that past is gone. And so is Valen. May his soul rest in peace.

She stood up, staring one more time at him.

"Good night." She whispered before asking me to leave the room. I looked at him one more time before walking out.

Nika entered the room sniffling, wiping her tears with a few other attendants.

"We will take care of him. Please take some rest."

Rest. The only time I can rest is when I am sure she is safe.

Ajax was still there when we returned, he did not say a word but he knows.

"I think we are safe here for now. I can look after her if you need to take care of... things."

The King needs a proper funeral. I can't exactly invite anyone and he does not wish to have a lot of audience. But I can't leave Lucy's side. Everytime she is away from me, I am afraid. Like she will be gone the next moment. I sighed.

"Do you want to sleep?" I asked her.

She shook her head.

"Aiden... rest." She took her hand from me. Strange. Maybe my emotions are too much that she, too, can feel its weight.

"I'm alright." She did not answer. She still does not understand when I am out of reach. I sighed. 

"I will rest, then." I sat on the sofa. My body suddenly feels heavy that I think it is possible... to maybe... sleep.

"You look after her... " my eyes are getting heavier as I glanced at her one more time. Her mouth moved saying something.


...Ajax's POV

She held my hand as if she has no intention of letting go. Our hands are strange with each other. It is curious sight. If Aiden did not ask her and if I did not "promise" that I will stay here, maybe she really won't let go.

I casted my power on Sicilia so it won't be easily noticed. But the sky is still dark. The clouds still does not part. He is watching, and she knows it, at least, her instinct does. The Lycans that attacked us, it was all but His little experiment. He is scary but I know that.

"What?" I stared back at her who has been staring at me since Aiden fell asleep. He said he was unable to fell asleep but he did, is her power returning? Is she regaining her memory?

The Lycans running away is but a pinch of what she can do. I forgot how powerful she was that even the other guardians did not dare touch her. They managed to stay away from her path for all those years that it took a lot of work to find at least some of them.

"You won't understand me." I don't even know why I am talking to her. She can't understand someone who does not have any emotions. But she seemed too intent to at least communicate.

"Do you finally care for me? You should not trust me. I am a part of Him, do you know that? Or do you chose not to?" I, too, wanted to understand her. But I am sure she will not forgive me if she regains her memories.

"Tell me what is it you see in me? Do you remember Duke? It was also my soul but he cares differently. He does not have the memory of your past. Will it be better if I don't remember? Yet you wished us to be free. And now look at what happened. Soon, you will remember. When they all turn their back on you again, will you forgive them this time? Or you will make another curse?"

I reached for her face, she smiled for a second. I thought I would too, but I didn't. I have no heart left but I will give my soul for you.

"So, you must help me now, okay?" I glanced at the sleeping Aiden before returning my gaze on her. "You have to let him know about them. Let him find them." My eyes reflected on her as it glows. I will do anything for you even if it means I have to use you. "Find them." I ordered.

Because this is the only I can love you.


(Sus. //x_x\\)

REJECTION PART 2: THE CURSED ONESWhere stories live. Discover now