chapter 68

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Walking up to the porch, Harry’s hands were in Louis’ hair. His Range Rover was parked carelessly against the curb, Louis’ fringe was still wet from the locker room shower, and Harry hadn’t stopped kissing him since he jumped into his arms at practice an hour and a half earlier.
Louis gripped at his waist, tugging his hips closer as he steered them up the porch. Harry wasn’t looking. His eyes were closed, and his body was lost in the feeling of Louis. His Louis. His.

Louis let him go just enough to unlock the door and walk inside, meanwhile, Harry inhaled twice before he wrapped his arms around Louis’ neck and pressed him into the wall next to the door. His stomach and chest were firm against him, and his shoulders were muscular and tense as he pushed against Harry’s body. His hands sank down the back of his jeans.

“Oh, my God.”

They stopped. Harry slowly turned his head to the left, and found Lottie Tomlinson staring at them, hands clasped in front of her mouth. Louis’ breath landed on Harry’s chin, his hands still on him. She was standing at the kitchen entrance, her blonde, long hair in a bun at the top of her head, eyes wide and shocked.

Then Lottie inhaled, raised her arms in the air, and screamed a loud and ringing, “Yeeees!”

Harry was laughing before he could hold it in. Louis extracted himself from Harry’s body, shaking his head and rolling his eyes as his sister jumped up and down, hugging and pulling at him, still screaming. She wrapped her arms around Harry after Louis had pushed her off. She smelled like perfume, and her hair bobbed against his nose.

“Oh, my Gosh. I can’t believe you’re back together. Finally! Oh, fuck yes. And tomorrow we can have tea before school again! Oh, my God. We can do waffles! Oh, yeah, I got this new apple-cinnamon tea with vanilla flavour. You’re gonna’ love it —”

Harry chuckled at her enthusiasm and concurrently realised that he had missed her, too. He hadn’t known how much their mornings meant to her. It made his heart swell, knowing that she cared that much.

“You guys are too much,” said Louis, arms crossed, shaking his head.

“Fuck off, Lou. Can’t believe you kept me apart from Niall and Harry. Twat!”

Harry continued laughing, and Louis manhandled his sister towards the kitchen. She grimaced at him in displeasure, but nonetheless allowed Louis to push her into the next room, before he grabbed Harry by the hand and dragged him upstairs.

“I’m so glad you guys are back together! I can’t believe you thought you’d be able to be apart for real.”

Harry caught a glimpse of her giant grin before she disappeared.

“Don’t mind her. She’s crazy,” muttered Louis as they headed up.

“She’s lovely,” disagreed Harry.

Walking into the room, Louis immediately pulled Harry onto the bed, on top of himself. Louis was warm and firm beneath him. Harry, with his left leg between Louis’, chest pressed into his side, let his fingers touch his cheek. His skin was slightly tan and smooth, and his lashes were very long as he stared up at Harry’s face.

“I want you,” murmured Louis.

“I love you so much,” breathed Harry, instantly pushing their mouths together. Before, on the pitch, things had happened so quickly. In there, in the bedroom, on their own turf, Harry only wanted to slow down time. He kissed Louis with fierce desire and languid passion, and his skin seemed to burn and shiver simultaneously at every little touch from Louis’ fingers.

His hands were tightly squeezing, urgent, but still knew by muscle memory how Harry liked them on himself. He liked when they were deliberate, when they knew what they wanted, and touched Harry in intimate places. They were best paired with Louis’ lips murmuring things in his ear that he’d never heard them say before.

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