Chapter 8: Investigations

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Once I had made a preliminary loop around the school to find the obvious camera spots and mentally taken note of some areas that lacked them, I decided I was finished scouting for the day. I could always perform a more thorough inspection of my new kingdom later.

...I was supposed to be taking it easy anyway, so there really was no point to my actions, now that I thought about it. I was merely acting out of habit. I wasn't here to be the unstoppable, unshakeable God of the White Room. My goal was to see what else the world had to offer. Therefore, the next thing on my agenda would be to go shopping. Sharply, I reversed course and headed to the store.

I had never been inside a convenience store in my life, let alone purchased anything for myself. It would be a lie if I said that I wasn't looking forward to this. I gazed at my student ID curiously as I strode in the direction of the automatic doors that led to the promised store. The card really did seem like it would function as the primary means to exchange currency, rendering paper money and coins obsolete. I memorized my ID number as well, just in case it would be relevant later.

Oops. I was being serious again. I wonder if I can un-memorize things? Whatever, what's done is done. I was... Standing in the middle of the aisle staring at my card. That's not good, I looked suspicious. The sudden burst of momentary panic led me to sharply turn to the nearest area of interest. A corner shelf containing baskets full of basic necessities.

A sign nearby stated that the items were free, with the caveat that only 3 per month were allowed to be taken. Nice. I guess this added more weight to my earlier theory. At this point, I was absolutely sure that I was correct. As usual.

"Hmm?" A mildly surprised voice was raised as somebody spotted me examining the shelf. I turned to face the girl who interrupted my self-congratulatory monologue.

...Oh, great. This girl. The younger Horikita pierced me with a disdainful glare.

"Ugh, it's you. My luck really is awful, to encounter such a thing here." Horikita glanced up to the sky, as if she was asking a higher power for patience.

"Thing? Do I no longer even qualify as a human being?" I questioned, curious.

"Of course not. Dirt-eating Wormykouji's are lower lifeforms, after all." She sniffed at me condescendingly.

I winced slightly, despite myself. Damn it Arisu, this was your fault. I mentally shook my fist at the arrogant little midget.

The arrogant girl shifted her focus towards the shelf that I had previously been examining.

"Not only are we being handed such an obscene amount of money monthly, but to give free items as well? This place truly is lenient..." She muttered to herself.

It was a little like watching a small child sitting in front of a simple puzzle, holding the pieces, before cramming them into their mouth instead of realizing the obvious.

Disappointed and mildly annoyed after her earlier insult ( Wormykouji? Really? Ugh... I hoped this wouldn't stick.), I couldn't help but speak up.

"Not only are you obsessed with me, you're unobservant as well, huh?" I provoked her. The girl shot me a confused glare.

"What do you mean by unobservant?" I sighed and turned away from her.

"... Nevermind." Before she could press me about my cryptic words, a scuffle broke out from ahead of us. The red-headed boy from my class was arguing with the cashier over something or other. It seemed like he wanted to buy a ramen cup, but forgot his Student ID, so he had no way of paying.

Hmm... I guess I'd help out.

Ignoring Horikita, I slipped to the side of the furious boy and tapped on his shoulder. He turned his heated look my way.

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