The Philosophers Stone: Part 8

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[Later back in the Leaky Cauldron, Hagrid and Hazel, are at a long table, eating soup. Everything is too quiet, Hagrid soon notices this.]
Hagrid: You all right, Hazel? You seem very quiet.

"Have you thought about maybe she's just a quiet girl?" Ron asks knowing thats the truth when she's in a new situation.

Hazel: He killed my parents, didn't he? The one who gave me this. You know, Hagrid, I know you do.
Hagrid: [sighs and pushes his bowl away] First, and understand this, Hazel, 'cause it's very important. Not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad. A few years ago, there was one wizard who went as bad as you can go. And his name was V-...his name was V-...

"He's not gonna say it," The marauders say and the Prewett twins nod. Hazel just smirks knowing something that he doesn't.

Hazel: Maybe if you wrote it down?
Hagrid: No, I can't spell it. All right. [quietly] Voldemort.

"You got him to say it!" Sirius and James trade words completely shocked.

Hazel: Voldemort?
Hagrid: Shh!!
[Hazel looks around to see if anyone heard it]

This causes people to laugh as they watch Hazel look around awkwardly.

Hagrid: It was dark times, Hazel, dark times. [We flash over to a flashback on the night at Godric's hollow, consisting off a cloaked man walking towards a house, breaking in with his wand, and proceeding to terrorize. Hagrid narrates.] Voldemort started to gather some followers, brought 'em over to the dark side. Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead. Your parents fought against him, but nobody lived once he decided to kill 'em. [Hazel's mother, Lily, screams in pain as she is killed by Voldemort's wand. Green flashes are seen from the windows outside the house. Then, we see Voldemort pointing his wand at an infant Hazel Potter's head.] Nobody...not one. 'Cept you.

Everyone is frozen not expecting to see what they just watched. Hazel looks like she's about to explode and cry at the same time. She heard the story but she wasn't expecting to watch her parents get murdered. Ron and Hermione see this and quickly grab Hazel's arms and drags her to a corner to start helping her calm down. Draco looks over at them sadly not knowing everything that Hazel went through.
Lily's friends are currently hugging Lily crying, they were determined to change the future. They didn't want to see their best friend getting murdered right in front of their eyes. Lily just doesn't have a reaction because she is in such a state a shock.
James's friends are in not much better condition. They had a dangerous glare in their eye knowing the cause of their death fully. They weren't going to let that happen. They are going to change it. They were going to let Hazel grow up with her parents, they were going to save their friends, and murder the bastereds that desided to hurt them.
Regulus and Orion were looking over at Sirius sadly seeing how torn up he was over the death of his best friend, no, more like his brother. They didn't like seeing him as upset as he was and they wanted to help change things, but that started with changing themselves.
James stands up and walks over to the corner that Hazel and her friends are in. Ron and Hermione are still trying to calm down a panicking Hazel. James just picks up Hazel and hugs her tightly walking back over to his friends still holding onto her. Hazel has a tight grip around her father, scared that if she lets go he was going to disappear. Even though she is pretty tall, he sits down in his spot with Hazel on his lap rubbing soothing circles on her back trying to calm her down. Yes it was a shock to him, but he realised this was worse for her because she traveled into the past, from a future where she didn't know her parents, and his guess based on the reaction was that she never say that part in her mind. What he didn't know is that she heard it all within her third year, but it still came as a shock to watch her parents get murdered.
James keeps calming her down, Remus looks protective over both his friend and of Hazel sitting with them. Sirius was also muttering how he was going to be her night in shining armer.
Once Hazel was calmed down enough, James nods at McGonagall who has some tears going down her face that they were good to start the movie again. Hazel didn't moves from James's lap. She felt comfort being in her dad's arms since she never got that safety net while growing up.

[We flash back to the present time.]
Hazel: Me? Voldemort tried to
Hagrid: Yes. That ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead, Hazel. A mark like that only comes from being touched by a curse...and an evil curse at that.
Hazel: What happened You-Know-Who?

"I think that's the only time you haven't said his name," Ron says. Hermione and Ron have sat back down in their original seats.

Hagrid: Well, some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there, still, too tired to carry on. But one thing's absolutely certain. Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you're famous. That's why everybody knows your name. You're the girl who lived.

"I really hate that name," Hazel mutters into her dad's shoulder.
Draco looks shocked over hearing that. She doesn't like the name people gave her? But he thought she was self centered and loved the fame. These movies were going to shock him more and more as he learns about Hazel.

That was a heavier chapter but thank you to all the support people are giving me. Im writing shorter chapters so I don't get distracted. Let me know if you like this length or if you would want me to write longer chapters because I definitely can!

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