Chapter 26 - Perfect

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Finally, the day had arrived. Due to this, you were an absolute mess from daybreak to nightfall. Clicking your shoes against the gallery floors, by the third lap of the exhibition, you were sure the floors would give in, or at least end up with dents.

Once the final touches were placed into their spots, you had to hurry back and get ready. Perfection needed to be made; anything less would be a nightmare.

That was what he hoped, of course. The fear of a nightmare is what fed him. Nightmare knew this, sensing it through the ball of fear circling the corners of the sanctum currently.

After you were done, you used the sling ring Stephen gave you to open your own portal. "Stephen, Wong, let's go!" You yell out, walking through the halls and missing the shadow creature watching from afar. Nestled between two relics, it could sense the anxiety.

"Wong headed over first, he said he wanted a tuna melt before having to eat fancy finger foods," Stephen fiddled with his cuffs, eventually looking up, still not used to how you left him in awe every time.

"Hello there, doctor," you take his cuffs, "don't you clean up nice," the links were inserted and fixed up, "better?"

"Mhm," he moved his hand to hold your face, "you look perfect,"

"I hope so, this outfit cost too much," you lean into his hand, "now come on, we need to go as soon as possible-"

"Wait, hold on," he suddenly remembered something, hurrying back to his room with you in tow. You watched him start rummaging in the bedside drawer for a small velvet box, "I got you something,"

Tilting your head to the side, the light hitting the velvet once in your line of sight, "oh, Stephen, you didn't have to-"

"Call it a replacement. And not just some random necklace from some random box," awkwardly, he hands it over, anticipating your reaction.

Flipping open the lid, inside was a (silver/gold/rose gold) chain leading to a pearl-cut diamond held by vine-like (silver/gold/rose gold). Almost like the first rose in a blooming bush, the gem centred perfectly on the cushion.

"Do you like it?" he felt like a fool, unsure if it was remotely close to what you'd like.

"Stephen," laying the diamond over your finger, you watched it dangle in sweet sunset light. "This must have cost you a fortune, what the hell?"

"It was nothing," he lies through his teeth. It was in fact a few buckets load of money... not his money, of course. Tony wouldn't notice a few thousand dollars missing, would he?

"Are you sure? I mean-" you were cut of by his stern nod. "Okay, okay... can you at least help me put it on?"

"Of course," he took the jewel from your hands, moving behind and clasping the lock shut after a short struggle. Soon, his hands fell to your sides, kissing a spot on your neck, "would it be bad if we were a little late, sweetheart?" he looked in the mirror mounted on the wall, holding your waist.

"I just had a shower, and did my makeup and hair. You are not fucking me," you laugh as he continues to kiss your neck, resting his chin on your shoulder with a pout, "later, later,"

The more he tickled the affections on your skin, the louder you laughed, the two of you simply swaying, unaware of the guest watching from the hall. With an empty sanctum for a few hours, this would be the perfect time to strike, and a new factor came into play from this scene.

New fears were probable.

The only thing left to do was test them.


Surrealist: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें