We Ready for War

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(Jayceon in the media)


We finally pulled up to Jay house to pick up Maci. Jayceon and Maci walked outside towards the car. She look just like my bro, couldn't even deny her if he tried.

"Wassup man, we gotta talk business later" I said while dapping him up

"Wassup bro. Hey Nelí,  I'll bring his present when I pick her up later, y'all be safe bro tell TJ I said happy birthday, bye baby girl" Jay said giving Maci a kiss and putting her in her car seat

After he buckled her up we dapped each other and then he got in his car. Then we proceeded towards Tiana house. She stayed in the suburbs now cause I told her that she wasn't finna be raising my kids in the hood. I'll be damned if my kids turn out like me. I'm tryna set up a strong foundation for them now so that they can have everything when they grow up.

That's why I love Nelí she always understanding and accepting. She put all her shit aside so that Tiana and I can coparent and take care of the kids. They was gone have to get along cause all my kids are going to grow up together whether they like it or not. And as long as Tiana taking care of my kids I will always make sure she's straight at the end of the day. She is the mother of my kids and she does a great job of that. We had to go pick up his presents first.

I bought him a four wheeler and a ps5 digital edition. Nelí got him some shoes and jewelry. He told me he wanted to have his own four wheeler to ride for when we be going out riding. And ima get Kayden one for birthday in a few months. Sometimes I take them to the country on the track and we go mudding or racing. One of my white clients be letting me bring them out there and play with his kids.

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