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October 9, 1992

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October 9, 1992

11:30 p.m.

Today was monumentous.

I had my first first date.

On Tuesday, Nicolas had surprised me by asking me to dinner at Ted's and for a round of bowling on Friday, which was today. Little did he know then that bowling probably wasn't the greatest idea for a first date with someone as competitive as I am. I can't stop cringing over how many times I cursed in his face every time he got a strike. Or that failed attempt at a backflip after finally winning.

God, that was an absolutely terrible idea.

To my delight, he found it hilarious, and now we have another bowling date set for next week. I honestly wonder how I'm going to get through another week of Kozlov and finally knowing my exam grade and Samantha trying to get me with more of Ben's frat brothers (in case this thing with Nicolas doesn't work out), before I can win again and make Nicolas cry.

Whoever's going to read this one day (because that'll probably happen), please wish me luck.

(Just hope I'm not dead by then.)

(And Nicolas' glasses have finally gone out of fashion.)

The last sentence was rather ironic, as big glasses had come back in style a few years ago, and my dad had jumped at the chance to buy a pair.

Old habits died hard, I supposed.

October 13, 1992

6:33 p.m.

I got a 92.

A 92.

I almost considered dropping out of college for a grade that was tied for the highest in the class. From the exceptionally good mood he was in this morning, I have a feeling I know exactly who got my same grade.

I hate to sound like such a girl writing this, but my heart still flutters when I think about the compliment he gave me after class. I've gotten called 'pretty' and 'hot' before by a few guys in high school, but 'beautiful' is a totally different category. But little did Nicolas know the only reason I looked 'beautiful' was because I thought I was going to fail.

And I sure wasn't going to fail while looking ugly.

So, you could say I got the best of both worlds, right?

Samantha saw us walking back to my dorm after class since he lives in the building next to us. Of course, she forced me to tell her everything when we got back to our room, making my interest in Nicolas a secret for a solid three weeks. Now I've been roped into going shopping with her on Thursday night because apparently nothing in my closet is "second-date worthy," whatever that actually means. I mean, if she's going to pay for my new clothes, by all means, I'll be the first one in the car, but that's nothing more than a pipe dream...

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