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The horror show started at precisely eight o clock that morning...

10-year school reunion whatap group

Katie (admin): Omg, I cannot believe it's been ten years girls! I'm sure we've got sooooo much to tell each other. I can't wait to see you all.

Emily: Ten years... and it's starting to show in the mirror. Would love to know how everyone is and what everyone is doing?

Bianca: I can't believe it's been a decade! And as you can see by this pic, I'll be coming to the reunion with a baby on board 

Lilly: Congrats!

Sarah: How exciting. I have two. Ben is 2 and Angie is only 4 months, so I won't be looking my best girls...

Yanilla: Omg, me neither. My little one is only six weeks. I have permanent black rings under my eyes.

Lira: Concealer is a new mama's best friend.

Tracy: OMG, I am also baby- on- board! When is your due date?

Emily: Concealer is also a bride-to-be's best friend, no one told me how stressful planning a wedding is!

Sarah: Congrats! When is the wedding?

Emily: In two weeks, I'm freaking oooooooout!

Lulu: You're kidding, my wedding is in three weeks!

Rachel: I love a spring wedding. We got married in winter and I was so cold, my lips are blue in all my wedding pics.

Lulu: Omg, that's hysterical.

Rebecca: That's what photoshop is for.

Katie: This is so much fun! I literally cannot wait to see all you guys. I just got engaged, so I will be bringing my fiancé. Remember, partners are very welcome. The more the merrier. Champagne girls!!! Yaaaaaaaaay!

I tossed my phone onto my desk as if it had shocked the palm of my hand. The phone continued to buzz and shake, as if possessed by these bite sized bits of communication. These winky face emoji's and words with way too many vowel sounds. I wiped my hand on my pants, it was wet and felt sticky.

Just reading that string of upbeat messages was bringing back panic-stricken high school flashes. It wasn't that I hated high school per say, I just wasn't that fond of the people in high school. I preferred to lurk on the edges of their effervescent social groups, I'd rather sit in the library at break reading a book, than sit in the quad talking about what dress they were going to wear to the dance, or who was dating who, who liked who and whether it was okay to let him finger you after a few weeks of dating. At an all-girls boarding school there were three main things that occupied all conversations;

1. The opposite sex

2. Having sex

3. Having sex with the opposite sex

Nothing else seemed relevant in conversation. The global North could be sending missiles off into the sky to totally obliterate the global South, and they would probably still be talking about whether it was okay that Jessica was going out with Edward now, because she used to go out with Mike, Edwards best friend and was that breaking the 'bro code'.

I've never really gotten it, this obsession with men. Don't get me wrong, I like men, although I'm very specific when it comes to my choice in them. But for the most part, I'm not averse to the idea of them at all. Not only were men absolutely necessary for the evolution of the human species, but there're also other great things about them, apart from their ability to aid in procreation.

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