Chapter 15

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Hey guys!! What's up friends? How is it going in life?
Well, here is the next update. I hope you guys like it.
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Date: 10/12/22
One of the happiest moments in life is when you find courage to let go of what you can't change.


Currently I was at my office. My mom had just called me to tell to ask Anurag when he will be free to select our engagement rings. Our sakharpuda is with 2 weeks. I told her to ask aunty directly. But she told me to ask him it will look more appropriate. Indian moms and their myths.
(Sakharpuda is a marathi function before marriage where bride and groom give each other sugar packets. Sakhar means sugar and puda means packet in marathi. It denotes to have a sweet married life. Generally on that day rings are exchanged too.)

I was calling Anurag but he isn't picking up. Normally he doesn't do this. Where is he?

I called again. Still no answer. When I was about to hang up he picked up.

"Hey where were you?"

"Anurag's not here. Any message for him?" An unknown girls voice I heard

"Who are you if I may know?"

"First tell me who are you? You called me girl."

Okay now she is tasting my patience.

"I'm Shruti Ranade. Where is Anurag? And who are you?"

"Anurag's in shower. And I'm Sanika, his childhood close friend."

Childhood close friend... A Rude friend I must say.

Shruti stop getting jealous. She is just his friend.

Who said I'm getting jealous? Of course not!!

I cut the call as I was in no mood to talk to this rude girl. I was going to do only one thing. Go to Kanitkar house unannounced.

I rang the doorbell of Kanitkar house. They too lived in a flat like us. I have come her just once for dinner. Anurag's family is super sweet so there's no tension of gelling up with them. Now they are my family.

Ananya opened the door, her eyes were on her mobile.

"May I come in Ms. Kanitkar?" I ask her to seek her attention.

As she looked up she smiled widely, " Oh my god Shruti bhabhi!!" She hugged me, I hugged her too.

"Of course come on in. Now it's your house too."

I nodded and we entered the living area. There was no one which is strange because I had come on Saturday so everyone should be home probably.

"Where's everybody?"

"Everybody or Anurag dada huh?"

I playfully hit her arm. " Everybody Ananya."

"Okay, everyone is home just doing something or the other. Wait let me call everybody."

"Ma, baba, dada's, vahiniiii!"

I laughed at her antics. She is funny.

Within minutes everyone was in front of me.

" See everyone listens to me." Ananya said proudly.

"Ananya are you mad? Why the hell did you shout?" Kabir dada scolded her.

"Oh Shruti beta!! Welcome dear." Aunty said coming towards me.

I touched her feet, "thank you aunty. Sorry I came unannounced."

"Don't be sorry. I loved you came like that. That means you believe now this house is yours too." Uncle said

"Yes uncle but still."

"But first stop with uncle aunty. Call us mom and dad, or Aai baba whatever you wish."
Aunty said.

"Okay aai." I smiled.

"Shruti you have come at the right time. I was having trouble selecting a dress. Kabir is taking me out on a date. Please help." Sakshi bhabhi came to me.

Aai baba Ananya awwed them.

"Sakshi I helped you." Kabir dada said.

"Yes but that help was useless. Shruti you know how these men can get when it comes to dress. Anu has her exams so she is busy."

"Of course I can help."

" Bhabi I can help you too." Ananya made a puppy face.

"No!! Tomorrow you have your economics exam. Go and study." Baba warned her.

"Alrightyy. Shruti bhabhi just tell me when you leave."

"Sure." And she went.

"Sakshi before you take Shruti, let her meet Anurag. I don't know why he didn't come down?" Aai said.

Oh so he is home?! But too busy for his to be wife.

"No problem aai. I can go to his room if you don't mind."

" No problem at all. It is third in the left upstairs."

"Bhabhi 10 minutes I will come." I said to Sakshi bhabhi.

" I don't think Anurag will leave you in 10 minutes but okay I will be waiting." She winked. I blushed like a tomato.


I reached his room. I knocked on his door out of politeness. No response. Anurag has made me angry enough today.  First he didn't pick his call. Second he didn't come down when I came. Now he isn't opening his door.

His door was not locked so I went in. I think it would be better If I didn't enter his room. He was just too busy with a girl. Probably the same old close childhood friend. She was running in the room. He was running behind her. What the hell is going on?



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