Wake Up For Battle

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Ozpin's office

As Ozpin was looking at both Y/N and Percival's file he soon saw Tsukasa walking in with Glynda Goodwitch. 

Ozpin: Tsukasa, is there a reason why you have come here. 

Tsukasa looked at Ozpin for a moment and soon took a seat while placing his camera on his desk.

Tsukasa: I'm going to need Y/N and Percival for a little while.

Ozpin soon looked at Tsukasa very intensely.

Ozpin: May I ask why?

Tsukasa: Salem's forces are soon arriving and the actions at the dock the other day shows that they are going to need some help. If you want them to save this world.

Ozpin soon took a deep breath. 

Ozpin: Alright but I don't want anymore students dragged into this like last time. 

Tsukasa soon got up and was beginning to walk to the door. 

Ozpin: How are Summer and Tai?

Tsukasa turned around to face Ozpin.

Tsukasa: They are fine, they went back to their home. But the assassin hasn't been caught yet. We should consider ourselves lucky.

Ozpin: Why?

Tsukasa: He didn't want chase us I think he knew this fight would soon end in my favor, if he were to chase us. 

As Tsukasa was a heading for the door Yusuke soon appeared with more person behind him.

Tsukasa then smiled after what he saw.

Tsukasa: Good I was hopping you would make it.


Y/N and Percival were running to the cafeteria and high speed.

Percival: I can't believe were going to be late for lunch we've been on time for everything for everything else how could you have forgotten to look at the time. 

Y/N: I said I was sorry. Besides at least we got that new driver to work. 

Percival: I still don't understand why we need to make a new driver I think ours is just fine.

Y/N: We need more power if we want to save this world and besides I think the new armor that goes with it is amazing. 

Soon the two made it to the door of the cafeteria and saw Sun along with one person beside him.

Y/N: Sun!

Sun soon turned around to see Y/N.

Sun: Hey Y/N! Percival! Neptune these are the two I was talking about.

Y/N soon saw a young man with blue hair extended his hand.

Neptune: It's nice to meet you. Sun told me about you two and those girls as well.

As Y/N was talking Percival opened the door to the cafeteria and soon saw it became a war zone.

Percival: Guys!

The three soon went to see what Percival saw and were shocked by what they saw. They see Team Ruby and Team JNPR fight each other with food. Soon a rouge soda can came toward the four guys and Percival took the can to the forehead.

Y/N: Percival! Speak to me!

Percival: It should have been you.

Y/N soon saw his team and Percival's team taking cover under a table. He then realized he need to help them he soon pulled out his driver and two fullbottes.

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