Chapter 36: One night stand

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"I would never do that."

Before he can stop himself, he is leaning in, closer and closer to her lips. Beth feels a sudden rush course through her. Like electricity was tingling in her chest, as before she had a moment to think, she was being kissed. She pulls back, almost instantly, registering the instant regret in Ed's face. "Ed... what are you…"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have…" he withdraws totally, subconsciously wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Don't tell Jas." 

Beth looks at Ed, she could see the flush of red creep up his neck. But she needs to ask. "Why did you do that?" 

"I shouldn't have. '' Ed repeats his answer from before. 

"That's not what I asked."  Beth takes a step closer to Ed. It felt risky, her stepping so close to him after his act of misjudgement. "Why did you kiss me?" 

"Isn't it obvious?" Ed looks into the distance, as he turns his back to her. "I have feelings for you Beth. I know I shouldn't. I know it's wrong. Jasper is my friend…"

"Jasper is a player. You know that. Deep down I know that." Beth sighs. "I just feel it. He's been fooling with that girl." 

"I would never do that." Ed turns back around to face her.  His voice sounds more assured this time as he cups her face. "You deserve so much more than him. You deserve to be the only one." 

It was as if he was saying everything just right at that moment. Ed was saying everything she had ever wanted to hear. It just wasn't Jasper who was saying it, but it was enough. She wanted to feel special, to feel adored and Ed was the one right in front of her. 

"How would you treat me Ed?" She says just short of a whisper. 

Ed looks into her eyes, taking in the words. Was this an invitation? Should he accept? He feels the fog in his mind blocking out the reasonable thought, morals and the fact he was about to betray his friend. He bites a little on his lower lip as he decides to commit, he again leans forward, tilting her head up, just a little with his cupped hands. "Like this." He utters as their lips meet once again, but this time, Beth doesn't pull away. 

Slowly their bodies get closer as hands begin to roam and explore.  The brief moment of a tender kiss, is now being replaced by a need for something. Desire, recognition, fulfilment. Beth was hurting. She needed someone to take the pain away. She wanted to feel validated, even if it was from a man who was as close to Jasper as she could think of. His best friend, a man who understood where she was coming from. A man who could fill the void that Jasper had left open. Just for one night. 

Ed continues to battle with his confusion as he feels himself falling deeper under her spell. Beth was a jewel, a precious stone, out of his league... and was with his friend. A man who somehow seemed to have everything he didn't, no matter how much Ed tried to emulate it. He wanted what Jasper wanted, he wanted to be that person who was the lucky one. He wanted Beth. 

His strong arms lift her onto the breakfast bar. Her legs part, with them wrapping around his torso along with her arms as his fingers  gravitate between her legs, her skirt riding up, making it easy enough for him to find his way into her underwear. Lips locked, he feels in between her legs... the tips of his fingers dance against her sensitive pleasure zone as Beth feels an awakening begin. 

Ed begins to circle and massage the area, pushing in a finger, before drawing it out, warm, wet and slippery against her now aroused cliteris. "Mmm." She moans into Ed's mouth, her lips moving away from his as he begins to place delicate wet kisses against her collarbone. He could feel his own arousal growing in between his legs and wanted more. 

He retracts his hand, causing a shudder from Beth. "Don't stop." She mumbles with disappointment, but when she looks down between them, she sees why. His erect penis is slowly revealed and she cannot draw her eyes away.


She pulls her gaze away to look up and see Ed staring back at her. He leans forwards, again kissing her lips, now reddened and swollen with all the attention they were receiving. She pulls her knees up, allowing him to push the thin underwear to one side as he slowly pushes in. 

They hold onto each other close once more as she begins to get thrusted into, deep, sharp and strong. Her pleasure which had already been awoken and toyed with, begins to heighten once again as the treatment she was receiving was pleasuring her to no end. Maybe that and the fact that she knew deep down that she was being a deviant. Showing that fiancè of hers that two could play this game. The game of desires. What would his face look like if he were to know? If he were to walk through the door right now and see her getting fucked. Not just by anyone, but by his best friend? 

"Yes! Im…I'm …" she lets her nails dig into his clothed covered flesh, her breathing hot against his neck. 

He speeds up, his climax at a peak as he releases inside of her. "Uh...  fuck!  Mmmmh...'' He exhales a moan as his actions begin to slow, finally coming to a stop. He looks at her and smiles, leaning in to kiss her on the lips, but she turns away. 

"If you dare tell him. I will kill you." She says breathlessly…

… "Beth!" Ellen has stayed glued to her seat as Beth told her the tale of the one night stand. "But Jasper. He never cheated in the end.  Not back then."

"I know!" Beth raises her voice to  her friend. "I was stupid. I know!" 

Ellen looks down at Beth's stomach before looking back at her. "So the baby …." 

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