𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 11

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It was later at night and Alanna woke up to banging on the bedroom door "Alanna!" Sherlock shouted "Go away!" Alanna moaned as she turned on the bed

"Alanna, dear. I know you're still upset with me but you need to wake up!" Sherlock told her "No!" Alanna groaned throwing a pillow at the door as Sherlock opened the door at the same time making the pillow hit his face

"Well, Hello to you too." Sherlock commented sarcastically "What do you want?" Alanna asked grabbing another pillow putting her face on it

"Enola has been arrested." Sherlock told her and Alanna picked her head up turning "I beg your pardon?" Alanna questioned "Enola, she's been arrested. At the ball. The ball you went to. So may I ask why you left my sister alone?" Sherlock wondered has he went to get new clothes

"I technically didn't leave her, and I told the Lord Tewkesbury I was leaving but he was just too busy on your sister's whereabouts." Alanna rolled her eyes finally sitting up

"And I would also like to know her whereabouts. She is my ward, Alanna. And I'm very sure I told the both of you not to leave today, and what did you do? You left." Sherlock huffed "Because we went to a ball." Alanna pouted

"Yes. A ball where you met Henry and a ball where Enola has been arrested. What a good idea for you two to go to that ball." Sherlock said scowling at the word Henry

"Everything besides Enola getting arrested was amazing at that ball Sherlock. Maybe if you weren't such a grouch all the time you could've came and you would have enjoyed it." Alanna said getting up heading over next to Sherlock to pick out a dress

"A grouch? I've been sleeping on the sofa for the past week." Sherlock told her "Oh I wonder why?" Alanna questioned curiously but sarcastically making Sherlock glare at her

"It's not my fault that this all happened, maybe if you were smart enough to know that we can't have a child right now then our marriage would be just fine." Sherlock scouled "Oh! So are you saying it's not fine?" Alanna questioned

"Yes! That's exactly what I'm saying! Look at us right now we're arguing, this isn't fine." Sherlock said lowering his voice at the last sentence making everything go silent "Alanna, I fall more in love with you every time I look at you. Every time. You're the love of my life, and I don't want a terrible relationship with you, I want everything to be fine."Sherlock stated

Alanna stopped looking for a dress and stared at Sherlock in awe "I love you too Sherlock, I really do. I just...I just want us to be perfect again. I just want a perfect family. And I know, that it's dangerous for us to have a baby, but all my old friends from Miss Harrison's are writing me about how their with child, or how they've had a child. And It just makes me Jealous. I want that with you. I want to have this perfect family that I've always dreamt of having." Alanna said starting to tear up

"I promise, one day we will get there. We can have a perfect family. But this case is to dangerous Lann. I don't want to risk it." Sherlock said hugging her "Promise?" Alanna cried "I promise." Sherlock kissed her head

"How about you get dressed and we'll  head down. Alright?" Sherlock assured rubbing her shoulder "Alright." Alanna said. Sherlock was starting to walk away until Alanna called him "Sherlock." Sherlock turned around raising his brows "Kiss?" Alanna asked smiling.

Sherlock smiled back to her and walked over to her kissing her passionately. "Thank you." Alanna whispered separating the kiss. "Of course my love."

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