SS Blunder

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Today was the day of the midterms. After checking my backpack by the dorm receptionist, I made my way to Class 1-A. I brought some of the answer sheets just in case if my classmates were going to frame me. Logically, it was pretty hard to believe, but for some reason, I had a strong conviction in my mind that I was definitely going to be framed.

I subconsciously checked the pockets of my clothes just in case, but there was nothing. *Sigh* I was getting way too paranoid these days.

I arrived at the classroom, and half of the students were already there. "Hey Katsuragi-san," I greeted my seatmate. "Hey Yahiko. Are you prepared for the test?"

"Yep! Been studying like the good Class A student I am," I responded. I opened my backpack, just to find a bunch of answer sheets stuffed in there. I looked at Shimazaki, who was chatting with his group of friends. Those pieces of shit think they can frame me, huh? Good thing someone told me about this scandal. . .I forgot his name.

"Are you fine, Yahiko? You don't seem too good," Katsuragi-san observed. Oh, I guess I was spacing out, haha.

"Actually Katsuragi, I got some answer sheets for us to review! This will certainly raise our grades!" I declared, letting the people around us hear me, including those scumbags.

"Where did you get these?" Katsuragi-san asked me.

"Oh, um, my friend gave them to me," I responded. I mean, even though I don't remember his name, he still helped me out, so I'm not really lying, right? But these papers were put in my backpack by Shimazaki and the others, so I guess I am lying.

"Well, they seem like they cover what we learned. But why didn't you give us this review material earlier?" Shimazaki queried. He came over and took a look. Bastard. How could he say that when he has a copy of it himself?

"My friend gave these to me last minute as some quick cram material right before the exam," I explained. When he took a look, I grabbed one of the answer sheets from the foldable bag in my pocket and discreetly inserted it into his back pocket. Tsukakasi also came over, and I used the same method to frame him as well. I felt like it was natural, like I was born to do this.

"Do you need any material to review for the exam as well?" I sat on Toba's table and asked Toba and Yamamura, who were the other two perpetrators that tried to frame me.

"Nah, we're well prepared for this," Toba responded.

"Yeah, this is free," Yamamura added.

"I see then," I said. I reached behind my back to put the answer sheet in Toba's pencil case. I walked by Yamamura's table, sticking a cheat sheet on the back of her pencil case. If I put it on her water bottle, she might discover it before the exam starts. Speaking of which, the exam starts in two minutes.

Katsuragi was reviewing some of the material when he posed a question. "Hey Yahiko, I know this sounds like an odd request, but can I check your backpack?"

"Um, sure?"

I gave him my backpack, which didn't contain anything bad in it. I made sure to store away all my manga and light novels in the dorms instead since I wouldn't have time to read them on exam day anyways. Wait, was he going to try and frame me as well? Nah, Katsuragi-san wouldn't do that, I trust him.

"This is troubling. . ." Katsuragi-san muttered.

"What is?" I asked in confusion.

"There were a few more answer sheets in your backpack, which were honestly hidden very well. You weren't planning to cheat were you?"

"Oh, of course not! I guess I didn't even spot the answer sheets I stored myself! Silly me," I drily laughed. Man, if it wasn't for Katsuragi-san's observation skills, I might've actually been in trouble there. Those bastards were really sneaky.

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