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[ 1 ] prelude [ 1 ]

Two golden eyed men walked through the park, one looking like a sixteen year old and the other a twenty five year old. One of the men stopped and asked the other: "Are you sure Aether?"

The sixteen year old shrugged. "Couldn't be more, O Being Older Than Chaos."

That was true. Chronos was the beginning. Since the Multiverse had exploded into life there had been Chronos. Since Time began. Since there had been light in the universe Aether had also been there. And thus the two first beings of the Multiverse stayed alone until trillions of trillions of years later, until the first Prototype came to life. 

That Prototype was Phanes of Creation, as many things were being created. Chaos hadn't been created until much, much later, but we'll get to that in a minute.

The second Prototype had been called Elpiseous, the Prototype of Worlds, but she faded, as her power was too much for her to handle, and so she collapsed, turning into the first ever Black Hole, called Elposist 10. It was the size of a fricking universe, and its accretion disc was so hot and bright even being in a light year of the disc, even the faintest bit of it would burn you immediately.

The third Prototype was called Erebus of the Darkness. And soon after came Nyx and Hemera, the Day and the Night. And then came Gaia of the Earth. And then Ouranos of the Sky, Pontus and Thalassa of the Sea and Tartarus of Hell.

And then Chaos. She was the last Prototype to ever come alive and she was the "most powerful" when in fact she was the weakest. But since it was her universe, the Prototypes pretended not to  exist until much, much further.

The Prototypes pretended not to exist and then started popping into life in front of Chaos. She couldn't believe it! She thought she had created those beings! Ha! What a fool she was, believing she could create entire beings and be the most powerful, but she was only the weakest.

Thus she started to learn her power, how to create worlds. Behind her back, in another universe, the Prototypes laughed at her, because of how slow she had learned her powers. It had only taken them half a billion years. 

Chaos took four billion years.

Chronos had began developing a universe he had become interested in, Nyx, Hemera, Erebus and Aether looked after Elposist 10, making sure it didn't expand and destroy universes, Gaia created a planet on a galaxy called the Milky Way, in a galaxy cluster called The Local Group, in the Laniakea Supercluster. Ouranos helped her, and so did Pontus, Thalassa and Tartarus.

Chaos, meanwhile, declined any help from the other Prototypes and then started to create planets and stars, and they were completely out of shape.

Humanoid creatures, weird shaped planets, vomit-spilling rocks, everything was messed up.

But Chaos liked it.

In addition to it, since everything was just floating, she created something called General Relativity. The theory that spacetime (Oh, right. ChaosChronos. LOL) was bent and that any object with mass would have a sphere of influence with the probability of something going to orbit it depending on the mass that object had.

And, so deep into that thought, Chaos made the stars and planets have such huge mass, so that she could watch as an object entered the sphere of influence and get pulled into orbit, or the smaller object slingshot around the bigger object.

And then, a half a million years later, she saw a supermassive star collapse under its own gravity, supernova and turn into a black hole.

She was fantasized. 

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