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[ 4 ] some things to understand [ 4 ]

Zoe felt her soul dying, her body cleaved in two, her mind ripped apart, her eyes torn out, or in other words, pain which was unimaginably agonising. The monsters did this to her, and the maiden she was trying to rescue. She had overpowered them easily but they kept reforming and eventually they had managed to breach her defence and capture her and was now torturing her for as long as they pleasured.

Please, Zoe thought. Just end it already.

Suddenly the monsters were ripped off of her violently and screams echoed through the air as the slicing of metal cut cleanly through the skin of the monsters.

Zoe opened her eyes to find a boy looking around the age she looked, sixteen maybe, fighting all the monsters single-handedly. With all her force, she sat herself up, and reached for her hunting knives that lay on the floor trying to help to fight with the monsters but was unable and fell to the ground and searing pain coursed through her body. One of the monsters made an effort to kill Zoe, but the boy kicked the monster so hard he flew into next year. Literally. 

The boy looked at Zoe and with his hand he moved her to right next to the girl who had been tortured as well and then after a few minutes he sliced, kicked or punched them either into next year or downstairs towards your favourite uncle, Hades.

The boy cleansed his sword before turning his attention to the girls. He walked towards them, sword in hand, and cut off very cleanly, the arrow that was stuck in Zoe's arm and gently removed the knife in the other girl's thigh. 

"Who...who are you?" Zoe asked in fear. It wasn't common for a hunter like her, let alone a lieutenant of the Hunt to fear a boy. 

"Nobody. Forget I was ever here, and forget that both of you were ever in this place. After midnight, this  ruined mansion will never exist. I suggest both of you return to the Hunters of Artemis."

Zoe gaped. "How do you know I'm in the Hunters of Artemis, boy?"

The boy pointed at her tiara on her table on the other side of the room engraved with the small  letters, HUNTERS OF ARTEMIS: ZOE NIGHTSHADE. Zoe felt herself redden, embarrassed that she hadn't recognised that her tiara her name was engraved on her tiara.

"But seriously, you should go now." The boy said seriously, sheathing his sword. And turned to leave.

"You didn't answer my question!" Zoe tried to shout. "Who are you?"

"Nobody. But if you want to know," the boy said, turning around and looking her straight int the eyes. "My name is Perseus. Perseus Jackson."

* * * *

The entire moment replayed inside Zoe's head throughout the night. She couldn't understand why that boy even rescued her despite knowing that she was the lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis, the man hating group of maidens.

Groaning, she pulled herself out of bed, wincing at the bandaged wounds that sent shivers of pain up her body. She pulled aside the tent curtains and looked above, to the starry sky. The Milky Way galaxy loomed above them, a large spay of colours above them. Zoe had heard rumours that Hera's breast milk had sprayed all over the sky because toddler Hercules, she shuddered to think of the name, had bitten into her nipple while she was breastfeeding him. Ew. Gross. Zoe believed in the Milky Way Galaxy theory instead of Hera's breast milk theory.

Besides, that was much more believable.

But the two words that were stuck in her head wouldn't get out. Perseus Jackson. The boy. Zoe didn't want anything to do with the boy, nor anything that the boy is a part of.

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