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The moment I manage to open my eyes, I see Wesa sitting in the armchair with closed eyes. He seems calm at first glance, but clenched fists, disheveled hair and exhausted facial expression gives out that something's been tormenting him for a long time.

"Wes..." My voice comes out dry and hoarse. I push myself to rise, but only manage to do that on my elbows.

Hearing my calling, he jumps up from his seat, running up to my bed.

"Devon! Thank Gods!" He takes my hand in his, gently squeezing it. "You're finally awake!... I was so worried for you!"

I lock eyes with him, instantly noticing his puffy face and dark circles under his eyes. Seems like he's been crying a lot. And sleeping less lately.

"Wes... Are you alright? You seem tired. Where's mom?"

Wesa averts my eyes, lowering himself to my bedside.

"...What happened?" I frown, searching his face.

"It's been four days since you collapsed in the desert..."

"Did you bring me here?"

Wesa's eyes seem suddenly sad when he looks away.

"No. Some guy from the hounds accidentally found you laying sun struck and unconscious. Thank Gods!"

"But they hate us!"

"Turns out there are also good ones out there among them."

"There are no good ones. You should know about it, Wes. We're not kids anymore. I don't know why this hound saved me and what was his interest in this, but I don't trust them."

"...You're right, Dev." He exhales, fondly looking at me. "But at least you're here and safe now. It's all that matters. Sorry about... That."

I nod, slightly smiling.

"You didn't answer me. Where's mom?"

"She's sleeping now. Mrs Eisa was awake for most of the days you were asleep. Just sitting near you and reading books. She told me you could hear everything when we talked to you while you were sleeping. Was that true?" He innocently asks and his naively searching eyes make me chuckle.

"No, not really."

"...I see. Not even a little bit?"

"...No. Not even a little."

Wesa presses his lips together, nodding.

"Did you tell me something important?"

"What? No!" He too quickly exclaims, shaking head. "I mean... Not that it was anything important... I just talked to you when your mom was taking a break to sleep a little."

"Yes? And what did we talk about?"

"Um, just reminiscing good old childhood memories. You like them right?"

"You know I do, Wes... They're the best."

"Yeah..." He falls into his thoughts for a moment. "Dev?"


"...Say, why did you run away?"

His sudden question makes me embarrassed for some reason.

"I didn't."

Even though, maybe I did. Not fully intentionally, perhaps.

"You know this desert like your five fingers. I don't know anyone who could navigate through the dunes like you do..." Wesa explains with sadness. "Say, why did you decide to get lost? Why did you abandon us, Dev?"

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