An Intro To Creswick Hall

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Honestly, it's impossible to really know what to expect from college until you're right in the thick of it. Or so I assume. What the thick of college is, I can't say, but the bubble of excitement thinking about the adventures ahead seems like a great sign.
"Part of me hopes it's somewhere between Mr Motorcycle's cladded leather back and Mr Jersey's delectable abdomen. Mm yep I volunteer to be the in the thick of them." Shanae licks her lips, her nails digging into my arm as she yanks me to face the direction of the two men she's drooling over.
"We've been here less than five minutes - the thick of those two is barely going to last you a night." Shanae smacks my arm, but never breaks her gaze away from what could be a delicious meal she can't wait to get her hands on. At least, with the little bit of moisture in the corners of her lips, I'm sure that's how she's imagining them.
"This is what college is about, Maya. All those very good looking, well-dressed, groomed, ripped college boys. Take it in. They're ours now." My eyes roll and I grab a tissue from my bag, wiping it across Shanae's mouth, gaining another smack to the arm in the process.
It's not like I could exactly argue with her. Glancing over at the motorcyclist and the jock does make my lips tug up slightly. Their broad shoulders and clean haircuts have already launched them a step above the high school boys we've spent the last four years running away from. Not that I think college boys will really be that different, but I am excited to find out.
"Can we get our stuff inside before going on your boy safari please? It looks like a storm is coming in." Shanae nods in response, still assessing her prey, but turns to pick up one of our boxes.
It's a very Shanae thing to have only just arrived somewhere and already have her sights set on groups of boys. Like lots of us girls, she's boy crazy, but she hides it well. Right now is not an example. When you're with your best friend, you don't need to hide it. Her and I know how crazy she can get about boys, but there isn't anything wrong with that and I support her on her adventures because what's the point of being young and pretty if you don't get out and have fun? At least that's Shanae's motto.
To her credit, there's rarely a boring time that goes by when you're friends with Shanae. No matter how many boys there are, at the end of the day, it's her and I that matter the most. It's our big adventure and everything along the way are just the stories we gather.
Our next big adventure? Creswick College. We've been talking about our college adventure since we were thirteen. Sharing a room, going to parties, earning our degrees, going to more parties, starting successful business, and still partying. We're big on parties. And college is renowned for partying.
"Have you looked at the O week itinerary? We only have introductory classes and activities in the mornings this week, the rest of each day is devoted to party times all over the college. I hope you brought your good tea, I'm forecasting maybe six hours sleep total this week!" Shanae has this whole week planned out. Somehow she already knows about every event (official and not) happening for orientation week. And like any other time, I'm here to follow along.
"You sent me the schedule through text, email, and Instagram, as well as set it as my Lock Screen. I think I'm organised." I hold up my phone to show the colour-coded table as my wallpaper. A satisfied smile spreads across Shanae's face.
"Good, I already have our outfits planned, so we just need to haul all this crap into the room. Oh!" She drops the boxes from her arms and feels around her pockets. "Crap, I forgot to get the key for the room! We've got to go back to reception." She grabs my arms and tries to pull me back towards the main campus buildings.
"Wait Nae, I'm not just going to leave our stuff here. You go get the key and I'll stay with our things." Shanae looks at the boxes, then across to the buildings that are at least a ten minute walk away. I'm wondering if she's debating carrying them there and back just so she doesn't have to go alone, but I think she quickly pushes that idea away.
"Alright, only because I don't want anyone stealing our cute college outfits. I put a lot of effort into the planning. I'll be back soon!" She turns and starts a quick walk towards reception. I start to pile our boxes back together neatly, also opening the ones Shanae dropped to check nothing broke. Lucky for her, she had most of the clothes boxes.
I look around at the massive campus. There are big, fancy, castle-like buildings where all the classrooms are, which is a twenty minute walk from Creswick hall. The hall is one of a few on-campus dorms, and Shanae's and my dream dorm. We took a tour of Camberwell College when we were fifteen. That was when we started to properly plan our college adventure. We fell head over heels for the Creswick hall. It was the perfect blend of us. Beautiful architecture with modern twists. There was no way we weren't getting a room in this dorm.
The dark clouds overhead make the hall look more gothic, which makes my skin tingle. It's looking just like the beginning of a dark academia story. But those clouds are definitely threatening to drown our belongings if I don't get them inside right now.
I grab two boxes at a time and start moving our things through Creswick hall, up to outside our dorm room door on the second floor.
By my third trip up, my legs are definitely starting to feel a bit of a burn. Pair these stairs with daily walks to classes and I might not need a gym membership at all.
On my fourth trip, I pile a third box on top because it's the last one and I don't want to go back down for one box, but it means my vision is completely blocked, unless I turn sideways to peer around the boxes. There is a small enough gap for me to look down at my feet to get up the stairs, but other than that, I'm relying on many other senses to get me to my room.
I hear a door open to my left and I turn to see the person step out to make sure I'm not in their way. But the hysterical girl has her own eyes covered as she sobs and she barely misses me as I spin out of her way in her rush to leave. I wish I was more graceful than I am. My feet tangle around one another. I lose my balance. I try to regain it. I knock a wall. I trip on air. Now I'm crashing through a wall, discarding the boxes as quickly as I can, and landing winded on my back.
I suck in some air and let out a groan at the same time, scrunching my eyes and trying to feel every part of my body to make sure it's still in tact. My head is on it's side. I rub my left temple trying to massage away the sharp pain. I open my eyes expecting to see the mess of boxes in the hallway, but the bright hallway light is gone and the boxes are replaced by an ankle. Attached to the ankle is a bare foot, which draws my attention back to the bare ankle, which has a small tattoo of the number '1'. I've seen this before.
I roll my head back so I'm facing straight up to - oh my god! I'm staring straight up someone's towelled body! Oh my god - that's definitely the hint of a penis.
I slid as quickly as possible out from under the person, reaching for anything that could help me stand up.
Two strong hands curl around my arms and yank me to my feet. I spin around, almost smacking my face into a chiselled bare chest. My hands push on the chest, putting me at an arms length from the person. I suck in a breath at the heat from their skin and the lump that quickly rises and falls in my throat.

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