Hands on freshies

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Every party tends to get fucked up by some fight, and I didn't expect tonight to be any sort of exception. Hearing Logan's voice boom from the back balcony of the house pricks my ears. I can see the glow of the fire pit, but I can't see him. Another guy's voice raises. A few figures stumble in front of the doorway. 

'I'm not joking you dickhead.' Logan's voice rings again. I start moving towards the door. It's not even one in the morning yet and they're already starting to kick off. Not a great sign for the year ahead. The figures stumble closer together, starting to shove people. 

'Calm down, Logan, you're being an idiot.' I halt for a moment, seeing Maya step toward Logan. Of course, it's a Hartley showdown. On the first night. I see Stoner Xavier move right behind Maya, one hand resting on her arm, the other gesturing to Logan. I slip through the door, moving next to Logan, facing the group of addicts hanging around the fire pit.

'What's going on?' I ask. I swirl the drink in my left hand, slipping my right hand into my pocket. I glance between the two siblings. Logan glares at Maya and Xavier. Maya rolls her eyes.

'Logan's being an idiot.' Maya huffs, crossing her arms.

'So you've said.' Maya bites the inside of her lip, glaring up at Logan.

'We were having a good time, and he came out here and started having a go for no reason. Maya and I were just having some fun.' Xavier rubs Maya's arm again, sliding his hand onto her shoulder. I watch his thumb fiddle with the strap of her dress.

'They were having a good time turning my little sister into some drug addict.' Logan spits.

'Woah, she's your sister? This is baby Hartley?' Xavier chuckles, pulling Maya into his side, craning his neck to get a look at her face.

'I'm not a baby.' Xavier's eyes rake up and down Maya.

'No, you're not.' He smirks. Logan grabs Maya's hand.

'You're coming with me, Maya.' He demands, pulling her arm. She tries to yank it away from Logan. Xavier reaches around her, his hand ready to shoo Logan off. 

'Come on man, relax. She's fine here.' I see the blood rushing up Logan's neck.

'Lucas.' Logan's deep voice rumbles in a summon. I step closer, rolling my shoulders back.

'Alright fellas, let's not do this here.' Xavier's gaze turns to me. 

'Like I said to your mate, no one's doing anything wrong. We're fine here.' Xavier squeezes Maya's arm. She's still glaring at Logan. I purse my lips, nodding.

'You should probably just let her go now, Xavier.'  He scoffs at me. People have circled around us. They can feel the rocky tension in the air. I know they're waiting for things to tilt and go south. Their excitement and anxiety drip in every shuffle they take to close the four of us in. 

'Why? We're all just having some fun.' Xavier's voice laces with a challenge.

'Get your hands off her, dickwad, before you make some big mistake.' Logan's voice is seething as he watches Xavier pull Maya closer to him. I shake my head again. Xavier has absolutely no conception of what trouble he's brewing for himself by not just letting her go. I sigh.

'Listen, you said everyone has just been having fun tonight. So, why don't you let Logan take Maya home and we can all go back to the party and continue having fun? Otherwise, you're going to ruin this for everyone.' I try to reason with him without spelling out to him that Logan isn't leaving without his sister and I'm the ensuring factor.

'How about we let Baby Hartley decide what she actually wants to do tonight, now that she's a big college kid and all?' Xavier suggests, his smirk rising again. He gives Maya a little shake. 

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