Chapter 6

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Cold, heavy raindrops begin to assault the vampires as they cross the tiny courtyard.

Outside the door, Walker stands, eyes gazing up at the 2 story building as memories flood back. Has it really been 19 days since she was last here? It's almost hard to imagine, she hummed, looking up at the good Doctor, thankful he was not rushing her. Okay, time to face the music. Odessa pouts as she worringly chews her lower lip... Finding herself unable to reach out and open the door.

"Jonathan?" She asks, taking a single step back. "I can't." As she speaks, he offers a slight nod, opening the door and stepping into the building first. He would be lying if he said he wasn't excited to look around after everything tonight.

Jonathan notes how the Dispensary is an old abandoned block of flats that were gutted to turn the space into a warehouse. Beds, separated by cloth partitions, took up most of the area. With little workstations and sinks tucked back behind the remaining walls.

It was hard to wonder just how many people they saw a night before Odessa's death as there were a good two dozen beds crammed in here, though only 8 of them were filled.

"What kind of work did..." The vampire starts to ask as a familiar voice yells out.

Eyes meet before Odessa takes off, leading him to the far right back of the space, where they ascend the stairs 2 at a time. At the top, a man cries about how thirsty he is before a wet gurgle takes his voice.

Without pause, the pair push through the hanging linens to find a mock surgery area, where Dorothea fights to restrain her patient, who's started to violently convulse.

"Nurse Crane? What's going on here?" Reid says sternly, grabbing the woman's attention.

Panicked eyes quickly look over the intruding pair as a mixture of betrayal and anger fills her voice. "Doctor Reid!... Petal? Did you? .... Never mind, help me, please." She begs, before Reid nods, his body rushing to the other side of the table as he asks for the footnotes.

The man's name is Razvan Vasile; Reid is told the man was here last week with the flu, but he had recovered.

Two days ago, Mister Vasile returned with complaints of fever and dizziness, but those were his only concerns. Dorothea had given him aspirin and salicin this morning. He was fine till a few hours ago, where he started to suffer cluster seizures.

The most recent seizure, Dorothea notes, was when she moved him up here as he had started to disturb the other patients. As she speaks, the man gurgles again, trying to lift his arms around the Nurse restraining him.

"Nurse, he's not convulsing or suffering a seizure; he's choking. Hand me that scalpel, please." The Doctor says, already removing his coat and rolling up his sleeves as he gestures for the thing in question.

"I... Odessa?" She says, looking past Jonathan, not wanting to let go of the man.

"I am working with you, Nurse Crane, not Nurse Walker; I said scalpel... NOW!" He snaps, gesturing for the scalpel again. The Nurse hesitates for only a moment more before offering a curt nod, letting go of the patient long enough to hand over the tool.

A tracheostomy? Odessa thinks, taking a single step back, hands wringing together infront of her; he's going to spill blood?! After everything tonight? Her panicked thoughts race as she watches, letting the tips of malformed claws dig deeply into her arm as she hugs herself.

The smell of dirty or old blood around the hospital was easy to deal with. Even the fresh blood on the patients she's dealt with has become easier to ignore as the promise of a hunt afterwards tied her over. But she... They were already agitated after the power play by the church, and with so few hours left of moonlight, there was no promise of a hunt after this.

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