Chapter 10 : The smelly wall rat

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Y/N stood there not knowing what to do.

should they call the police? should they follow the wall rat- i mean the man?

Y/N not wanting to die, did the "right thing" and went through the mirror. They made sure not to make a noise so the man wouldn't hear them and with the magic of the Y/N effect they made a noise.

Almost immediately Brahms started choking Y/N. Y/N tries their best to fight back against his . strength but is no match. Y/N than reached for his mask and began to lift it up. Brahms instantly dropped you to fix his mask.

"Listen please, i'm not here to hurt you, i just came to figure out what happened. " Y/N tried to say calmy while rubbing throat.

"Someone i loved left me and stabbed me! is that enough for you!" Brahms said angerly

instead of the child voice it was spine chilling voice that came out of Brahms. You knew in that this wall rat man was brahms the real one.

there was a moment as you two looked at each other and silence.

" How about this, i stay with you and you don't kill me ok?" Y/n said giving themself space from brahms.

"Ok" Brahms said going back to their child voice.

This was going to be a interesting adventure


Merry Christmas eve everyone!

as a gift i posted this chapter just for you

and thank you for the 1.7k views!

holy shit this is crazy anyways merry Christmas


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