Chapter 9 - Flaw- less

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Aakash had a calm personality. He didn't get upset, angry, or excited very easily or very often. In other words, he was an Even-tempered person. Whether it's a man or woman everyone dreamed that he got such a partner. 

In every family, every person has a different personality. Everyone is unique in his own way. In the Raizada family, Arnav was the most headstrong person. Aakash was totally opposite to him. If Arnav was a fire then Aakash was the water. Whenever Arnav hurt someone with his words or actions Aakash used to soothe them. It was his nature. Aakash knew that Arnav is a troubled soul. He loses his head even on a small incident. He didn't like sharing his innermost fear with anyone. He always tried to support his brother and kept doing it to date.

 In the initial days, Aakash always consoled Khushi whenever Arnav tortured her. Perhaps it was one of the reasons Khushi supported Aakash & Payal's relationship. She was always on his side. was he on Khushi's side? It was the big question. What would be his response if his brother asked him to refuse to marry Payal on the wedding day? This question was not important now but it was why Khushi Khushi took that decision. Why did she scumble to Arnav's demand? It means she was sure that Aakash will obey his brothers. It means she was sure that he will abandon her sister at the mandap. It means she was ready to sacrifice herself for her sister's marriage. 

 He saw how his mother was treating Payal & Khushi. But his father, Nani Ji & Anjali Di were showering their love on them. So he hoped that one day Gupta sister's good nature will change his mother's behavior too. But now he was regretting it. His silence proved that Khushi was right about him. But he never dreamt that Arnav will take advantage of his calm nature & will force her to get married without bothering about the consequences. Today he understood that the extreme of everything is bad. After being so composed throughout his whole life, Aakash became shaky. He understood that he need to show that he will not accept everything quietly. He desperately wanted to find Khushi. He wanted to tell Khushi that he really loves his sister & he will protect her. He wanted to tell her that he was not a coward. 

For two months Payal not even give him a glance. She was doing household chores like a robot. So many times he saw her crying. But whenever he tried to approach her she bluntly denied it. He knew he was his wife's culprit. Every day burden of his guilt was increasing. His heart was shattered into many pieces on the day when Payal broke down in his father-in-law's arm. It was a shame that instead of his husband, his father-in-law consoled her. Whole Shanti Niwas were shocked by Payal's cry. He knew that Payal will not believe when he agreed to his punishment. But at that time he kept quiet. He wanted to show by his action how serious was he. How guilty was he? 

For the whole year, their relationship was on pause. But Aakash was trying his best. In a year he changed a lot. He included the word 'No' in his dictionary. Now he was not obeying his elders blindly. He started to take his own decision. He knew that there will make a few mistakes. But he was ready to make those mistakes to improve himself as a human, as a person. 

Along with that, he approached a counselor. He wanted to help his wife who was hurt badly by him & his family. he knew that she is experiencing strong emotions such as worry, despair, and frustration. But, he didn't know what to do, how to console her, how to approach her. He wanted to be supportive and listen to her inner turmoils. But he was worried that maybe she will get it wrong, or he can say the wrong thing. He didn't want to hurt in any way during this difficult time. Along with that, he had his own worries and concerns about his sister-in-law. So he decided to discuss with a counselor . He honestly narrated the whole story to Dr. Batra.

Aakash I am happy that you realized the gravity of the situation. Now next step is to support your wife in this grave situation. She is emotionally very weak right now. So she may not show you that she needed you but in actuality, you are the best person who can support her. At this time her parents can not take care of her because they themselves are going through the same situation. They all are feeling guilty & their emotions are on the higher side. 

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