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Raghav's P.O.V

Why is it so difficult to pacify women? Why are they so stubborn? Why is it so troublesome to understand their emotions? Tanya once said that women are very easy to understand and their feelings are not so complicated as we all envisage it to be.

That's so not true.

The most difficult species on this planet are women. One second, they would be so ecstatic about something and the very next second they would be equally melancholic.

Like, right now.
We were inside bhai-bhabhi's room, sitting on their bed and trying to understand the reason behind bhabhi and Tanya's vexation.

"Seriously? I thought we were going to explore this country tomorrow. I didn't come here with you just so I would have to stay cooped up inside this stupid room." Bhabhi said in an exasperated voice.

"I told you, Naina, you can go anywhere you want to. I won't forbid you to go anywhere with bodyguards."

"How would I be able to roam around freely with Myra? She will eat my head. And, I wanted to explore London with you."

"I am sorry, sweetheart. I wish I could postpone this shitty meeting, but I can't. It's important."

"It's okay. I don't blame you. We will call Anshika and Sameeksha to join us."

"Uh- about that....." Tanya scratched the back of her neck, looking sheepish, and said,"Anshika has an important meeting with a very influential client in California. So, she wouldn't be available for a whole week."

"What? But you told me that Anshika would be free."

"It was a last minute call. She couldn't refuse and I didn't want her to decline this spectacular offer because of us."

"It's okay. We atleast have Sameeksha with us." Bhabhi pouted.

Just when Tanya was about to open her mouth to say anything, her phone beeped.

She picked it up and looked up at bhabhi with an apologetic expression— after reading whatever the message stated. She gave her a sad smile and said,"Sameeksha wouldn't be able to join us. She has to manage her office as well as Anshika's, as she is going on a business trip."

"What the fuck! You know what, Tanya, let's just go back. Nobody over here has time for us."

"What? You were fine with me working, right?" Bhai asked.

"I was. Now, I changed my mind."

"What the hell! You changed your mind in the speed of Usain Bolt."

"You—" The sound of a ringtone broke her off.

Abhi pulled his phone out of his pocket as Sameeksha's ID flashed on the polish surface of his iPhone 14.

He accepted the call and put it on speaker just when Sameeksha started her rambling,"Hey! I am so sorry to disturb you but it's kind of urgent. Can you just pass over the phone to Naina bhabhi or Tanya? And make sure that the call is not on speaker, Tanya."

"Wait! How do you know that the call is on speaker?" Bhai asked, astonished.

"Oh! Did I not tell you that I, secretly, am a magician?"

"This is not a time for jokes, Sameeksha."

"Alright. It was a wild guess. Happy, now? And please pass over the phone to any one of the ladies present over there."

"I will take it." Tanya volunteered just as Myra started crying on the top of her voice.

And then we only heard some 'hum', 'okay' and 'alright' and then, before we know it, the phone was again passed over to Abhi.

"What was all that about?" I uttered my very first words since I entered this room.

"Something secret. Why should I tell you?"

"Because Sameeksha is my wife." I put extra emphasis on 'my'.

"And? She is my sister-in-law." Tanya replied in the same tone as me, gave me a tight-lipped smile and dragged bhabhi— after handing Myra to bhai— out of the room.

"What do you think would their little secret be?" Sid asked.

"Why do you care? Their supposedly confidential information is none of your business." Abhi retorted.
He was a firm believer of privacy and would never probe anyone to tell him something private.

He would be the first one to stop us from discovering anything confidential. And his this behavior irritated the fuck out of all of us.

"It is my business. It is about my wife, after all." I argued back.

"She is your wife and not your slave that she would be obliged to tell you everything."

"She should. There should be no secrets in a relationship."

"Only when that hidden thing is something that you should be aware of. Something that might ruin your relationship."

"Stop it, you two." Bhai scolded us.

Just then, Myra started weeping and we all engaged ourselves in trying to cajole her.

Just when she stopped her crying, Tanya and bhabhi stepped inside the room looking as happy as ever before.

See, I told you. Understanding women's emotion is fucking difficult. Even God was unable to peep into their brains, and we are just normal, simple humans.

"Why are you guys so happy?" Sid asked, squinting his eyes in suspicion.

"None of your business." Tanya snapped while bhabhi sat beside her husband and took Myra from his arms.

"Hey! Can you guys go out for a while? I have to feed Myra." Bhabhi said while adjusting a pillow on her lap and behind her back.

I wondered how would Sameeksha look like while feeding our baby? God! When will she remember everything? I can't wait anymore.

I swear, when— if— she ever regained her memory, I will love her like a baby. Cherish her like a goddess. Pamper her like a child.

Just, please God, bring her memory back. I will start believing in you again. I will do whatever you want me to do. I will even die, if you want me to, if she regained her past memories.


How are you? Hope you are fine because I am.

And Raghav is just so sweet, isn't he? God! I love him. But he is of Sameeksha. Can't steal him.

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