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seven months later

FOR THE LAST seven months, I've sat and waited patiently for Luke's regret to slip in. He gave up a recording contract to come home to me, and that's no small sacrifice. It was his dream. It still is his dream, and I've been dreading for the change of heart to hit. I wait, and I wait, but it never comes and I'm starting to believe it never will. It's been nearly seven months, and I'm starting to believe him when he tells me that there is no regret when it comes to his decision to be with me.

He really is just that good.

"Mags, I don't know what you're talking about," I tell her as I skim over the latest chapter in her next book. The Way We Were was an instant hit. Readers are desperate for another book from Maggie, and I've been slowly but surely coaxing it out of her. Even if it has been like pulling teeth, because apparently my best friend has cold feet when it comes to her second book.

Her fear and insecurity of it not being nearly as good as the first one clawing at the back of her mind, and all I want is to tell her that there's no way she couldn't create anything but an addictive story that will pull readers in the same way her debut did.

"I just... it doesn't feel right," she says, shifting in the seat in front of her desk. "I want it to be perfect and it's not."

"It doesn't need to be perfect right now. You just need something," I tell her and lean forward on my desk. "That's what I'm her for. I'm pretty great."

"She's right," Luke's voice chimes in and my smile is instant when I lift my head to find my boyfriend standing in the doorway of my office. It's incredibly unprofessional, but my coworkers have gotten used to him making regular visits and for the first time in my life, I don't care what they think about it. I can't help but feel a flutter of excitement every time I see him, even now, seven months in to living together and I couldn't possibly imagine getting sick of him.

Maggie smiles at him as she stands, gathering her sheets and my notes. "I would expect you to say no less, Mr. Alexander," she says, moving toward him. "I'll give you two a minute."

I smile and get to my feet, crossing my office toward his open arms. His hands slip over the small of my waist toward my butt, using his foot to shut the door behind Maggie. "What are you doing here? I thought you were rehearsing with the guys today?"

"I was," he says, a grin creeping up on his lips. "And then I got some news."

"News?" I ask, and my heart speeds up at the look of his face as I smooth my hands down the front of his chest and curl my fingers into the fabric of his button down. "Luke..."

The way his arms tighten around me, pulling me as close as he can possibly get me is all the confirmation I need to know. "It happened, 4A," he says. "They called. They want the band, and they want an album out early next year."

"You... they gave you your record deal back?"

He nods his head, and my heart instantly bursts and tears fill my eyes. My arms immediately wrapping around his neck as he pulls me into his chest, lifting me off my feet instantly and right now, this moment, is the happiest I've ever been.

"What about..." I pause and swallow when he sets me back on my feet. "Do they want you back in Los Angeles?" I ask, and I already start working out how I'm going to tell Clark. We talked about this shortly after Luke came home, and I knew in my heart I could never be without him again. Wherever he goes, it's where I'm going.

He cups my cheeks in between his hands, pressing his lips to mine. "We're not going anywhere, 4A. I'm staying right here."

My lips curl up into a grin. "I love you so much," I tell him, curling my fingers into the ends of his hair. "I am so, so proud of you. No one deserves this more than you, Luke. You've worked so hard and–"

"Marry me."

The words take my breath away, sure I misheard him. "What?"

"Marry me, Emery Wheeler," he whispers this time, taking my face in his hands as he leans forward and rests his forehead against mine. "Nothing in this world, not all the money in the world, not fame or even music matter more to me than you. I don't just want now with you, 4A. I want forever, and I want to start now."

I swallow the lump in my throat. "You're being serious."

He nods his head. "I love you," he says, and kisses me before curling his fingers into the fabric at the small of my back to pull me tighter to his chest. "I want a life with you."

"It's... you're sure?"

"I was sure seven months ago," he says, pressing his lips to mine before digging into his pocket and pulling out a velvet box. "I couldn't be more sure now."

"You..." I pause and feel my chest tighten as tears fill my eyes again, this time for an entirely different reason when he opens the box and shows me the oval shape diamond sitting inside. "How long have you had that? Luke, this is insane... you can't just ask me to marry you."

"Pretty sure I can, and just did," he says. "And I bought it in Los Angeles."

"You're serious... you actually," I pause and shake my head, because why am I questioning any of this. My life, this life, the one I've created with Luke in these last seven months is everything I've ever dreamed of and more. He is my future. "Yes."


I nod my head and move my hand down, letting him slide it onto my finger. "Yes to every day. Yes to always. Yes to forever. Yes, yes, yes."

He grins and catches my lips as his fingers move into my hair, and I feel my entire body melt into his as my arms wrap tightly around his shoulder. "I love you, 4A. Thank you for being everything I could have ever dreamed of and so much more."

"Thank you for being you," I say and lean in to kiss him again, because this is exactly what I want him. Him, and wherever else we find ourselves. As long as I have him, I know I'll be happy.


author's note
Happy Holidays, my loves!!
Emery and Luke have deserved an epilogue for so long, and I apologize that it took this long to finally become something, but I finally had an idea that felt worthy and I thought it'd be a fun holiday treat. Thank you for the support! Can't wait for what 2023 has in store <3

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