Neglected part-1

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Namjoon and Seokjin, two alphas got married without caring about what the world will think about them, they just wanted to be on each other's side. They knew that no one will support them but they knew that they can accomplish anything with their love for each other.

After years of tears, Seokjin got pregnant and gave birth to a blessed omega son. The day the omega come into their life he filled their world with happiness. They named their son Taehyung. "From now on I will not let anyone harm my son and I will protect him with my life. I will be the best father for my son and will spoil him with love and care," said Namjoon with teary eyes. The small omega giggled and hold his father's finger with his small hand. Namjoon caresses Taehyung's cheeks as a smile appeared on Namjoon's face.

On Other side

A cute little three-year-old omega boy was coming home from school when he heard some students gossiping together. "Jimin doesn't know who his dad is." "His mom has lots of boyfriends, This kid doesn't even have a clue" "Ge's got tons of bruises under his uniform" "My mom said Jimin's being abused by his mother" "Then it means that he is a bad boy, his mother must hate him" "We should stay away from him".

"I-Its ok. I should not listen to their words because mommy will come home today. I will be able to see mommy again." Jimin thought as tears fill Jimin's eyes as he ran towards his home.

After 10 minutes he reached his home, he opened the door hugged his mom, and gave her flowers "Mom see I bought flowers for you" Jimin said while smiling.

His mother pushed Jimin away harshly and smiled creepily. "Hey, Jimin, You know I am so tired of taking care of you, So why don't you kill yourself? Will you die for mommy?" Jimin's mother said handing a big knife to Jimin.

Jimin took his steps back as tears filled his eyes. No one can understand the pain of being hated by his mother. He just wants his mother to love and care for him and he can do anything for that. He doesn't understand why his mother can't love him.

"M-Mommy why don't you love me, Did I do any mistake?" Jimin said.

"Do you don't do any mistakes your existence is a mistake itself, So why don't you hurry up and die?" Jimin's mother said while screaming at Jimin.

"Please forgive me, mommy. I am sorry for being born. I am sorry" Jimin thought while he ran to his room and lock the door.

*Meet you in the next chapter*

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