EP 08 (edited)

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//Tsukasa's POV

I yawned and stretched. Ahh another morning... I saw Rui clinging on to me. Then I remembered... I roughly remembered that I kissed him on the lips before falling asleep. Was it a dream?! Maybe... I really hope it was one haha...

"Ah Rui, wake up now. Its 6 in the morning"
"Really..? Can I stay a little longer...?"

He got up but still clinging onto my back.

"Why are you being a bit clingy today?"
"Hm? Because you're comfortable to be with..."

He said it with a sleepily tone. He seemed like he really likes to hug me like a pillow.

He started nuzzling on my neck. Gah! He's so cute! Wait. This is the part of his little game, right?!

"Tsukasa-kun... Are you okay?"
"You can let me go now..! It's part of the game, right?"

I'm trying to keep my cool now.

"Oh why, yes o-of course!"

He got off of me immediately, why was he so quick? Well it doesn't matter right now since I'm trying to keep sane here!

"Well let's go eat first, shall we?"
"What shall we do today, Tsukasa-kun..?"
"How about we go outside today?"
"I mean... What if those fans follow us?!"
"Then... I'll keep you close..."

Keep me close? Well I guess I'm a lucky guy today...! I trust him because an actor must trust their director! Although yes, we were past troupemates... But that won't stop me!

"Well I trust you..."
"I mean, you know how to plan things, hehe..."
"Of course I do! How would you be a star now if it weren't for me, Nene and Emu!"
"But of course of your great acting and your great leading, you made us achieve our dreams!"
"And I'm very greatful for that..."

He held my hands gently after saying those things. I feel so happy right now. I've never felt so happy like this in my entire life! (You're in love tsukasa 😘😘)

"Lets head to the kitchen shall we?"
"Of course!"

We headed into the kitchen and Rui started preparing things. Oh yeah that's right, we agreed that we take turns cooking.

"What are you going to make today, Rui?"
"I promise you, it'll be delicious!"
"Whatever is your choice then!"

While waiting for his cooking, I should do something that should entertain me... That's right! The piano! I'll just play the piano while hes cooking, I'm sure he'll like it.

I went to my piano and started playing 'Rondo Alla Turca'. (I srs dont know what to play and i like Mozart's songs)

I kept focused on the piano and my fingers. It felt like I was taking a breath of fresh air.

[After playing the piano]

Whew! I almost messed up but I managed to do it! It was such a hard song but I'm glad I was able to do it.

I caught Rui looking at me with sparkly eyes. He looked amazed and clapped. He smiled at me warmly and I can't help but blush a bit.

"It was wonderful, Tsukasa-kun!"
"Uhm... Thank you!"

He continued cooking after clapping.

"I always knew you play the piano, but I would never expect you to play such a difficult song!"
"You made my day!"

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