Chapter 9.

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We arrived back at the island when the sun was starting to set. Although I couldn't really tell the difference between sunsets and the noon sky, the view was breathtaking nonetheless.

My men had gone over to Alistair's ship to help transfer the barrels of wine and kickstart the feast, while I sat on the sand watching the sunset.

I had a direct view of it and something about watching the sun disappear into the seas was such a calming occurrence. I heard shuffling and someone took a seat beside me on the sand. A smile made its way to my face as I rested my head on my hands that sat on my knees.

"You've always loved the sunsets." Evalyn said.

"I have?" I asked her with a smile on my face. It's been a while since we spoke to each other like this, alone. I busied myself with working as a pirate captain and was unable to properly converse with her, even though we stayed on the same ship.

"Of course. I remember seeing you come up to the deck every time the sun was setting and you staring at it in awe. Then your father would come looking for you worriedly and sigh in relief when he found you at your usual spot." I smiled at the memory and found myself recollecting those times.

I blocked out most of my memory from when I was younger, but it was nice to reminisce like this, especially with Evalyn. She was like an aunt to me. She always took care of me and forced her way onto the ship when she found out I had become a pirate.

I stifled laughter at that particular memory. It wasn't every day you saw an angry Evalyn demanding to be on the ship. I admit I was a little frightened then. It was probably the reason why I accepted the second time. I didn't want her to have to face death like my father did. It was best to stay away from the life of pirates and live like normal people but she refused.

I'm glad she did. It made those 10 years not so lonely.

"Well, the Captain found out and scolded dad saying an enemy could attack at any time and that I could've fallen off the ship. I wasn't allowed to watch the sunsets alone after that." I rolled my eyes. The annoyance of 9-year-old me making its way on my face.

Evalyn let out a soft chuckle and I felt warm. This was nice.

"This is the place isn't it?" She asked after a few minutes of silence and I nodded.

"I didn't know it would be in a whole other world though." Evalyn had known about the treasure hunt. She was pretty close to dad and the Captain. I think they were going to get married or something before his passing.

"Easton always talked about it to me, at night when everyone else was asleep. He claimed there was a different world, filled with magic and a lost treasure. He was so excited to finally find the treasure when.." She trailed off and I placed a hand on her back in comfort as she wiped away some tears that had fallen.

"I'm glad I'm able to see it. Just what magical place he risked his life trying to go to." She smiled, eyes straight ahead at the sun.

"What do yer think?" I asked her rubbing circles on her back with my palm.


"What do yer think of this place? Do you think it was worth it?" I asked my own eyes getting glassy as she stared at me.

"This place is beautiful and unlike anything, I've ever seen before. Easton would've loved it, so much. It was worth risking everything to him so I won't discredit that. But if I could turn back time, I would at least like to spend a day with him alone before going on that journey. Not even I could've stopped him from looking for it." She sighed and I chuckled.

I rested my head on her shoulder and she rested hers on my head. Some tears fell down my face and I wiped them as we watched the sun fully enter the ocean. I'm glad I'm able to talk about dad and the past now without balling my eyes out.

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