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4 February 2016

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4 February 2016

Alyssa stormed into the house angrily.

"Nahmir what is your problem?!"she shouted slamming the door behind her.

"Alyssa you can't see what I'm trying to tell you,if you just listen and see all the red flags in him,you'll realise I was just trying to save you."Nahmir said calmly.

"Nahmir I get that yeah he did bad things,but he won't hurt me,he just wants a chance and someone is finally going to give that to him and now you trying to take that away from him."she said.

"Guys please calm down."Cameron said standing up.

"No ma,he keeps doing this."Alyssa said frustratedly.

"Alyssa you do have to see it from his point of view though."cam said trying to calm her down.

"I do! He's not trying to see it from mine,you gave him a chance and you like him,why can't Nahmir do the same?"she shouted.

"Alyssa,go to your room and cool down,I'll see what I can do."Cam said hugging her.

She wasn't going to yell about Alyssa shouting because she could see the frustration in her face.

She really wanted to keep Von.

So now as a mother who loves her daughter,she would do anything she can to make her daughter happy.

"Nahmir sit down please."Cam said once she heard Alyssa's room door shut.

"Nahmir as you can see,Alyssa really cares for Von and wants to keep her friendship with him,she feels as she could be good for him,but now that you keep saying bad things it triggers both Alyssa and Von.

Von wants you guys to keep your relationship that's why he left,he just wants to be friends with Alyssa,we all know he doesn't have real friends because everyone is so afraid of him.

Until Alyssa,she's not scared of him and actually giving him the chance he needs,and from what I've seen they're actually good for each other." Cam explained softly.

"Miss Royale,I get what you're saying but he tries to keep her away from me, every time we're hanging out,he always is next to her and won't allow me to be next to her as well.

It's like he wants her all to himself."he said.

"Maybe because she's the only one that cares about him,he doesn't want to lose her,he's grown attached to her because she has shown him things he has never felt or seen before.

You have to understand his point of view as well,Nahmir if you don't get your act together I'm afraid your relationship with Alyssa might end,I'm telling you now,she won't let Von go."she said making him sigh.

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