Chapter 27: Not A Goodbye

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"Between you and me
It's a forever kind of thing"

The time seemed to slow down as I sat on the ground with my wife snuggled to me as we gazed at the night sky. Her head was resting on my chest while her hands were locked with mine as I held her waist in a firm yet soft grip. The moment felt too pure and so hard to ignore. The silence that prevailed us was speaking thousands of words our lips couldn't mutter. The wind was blowing her hair as she gazed at the night sky. I know it's not the sky she's gazing at. Its her thoughts. She has been lost in her thoughts after I have told her that I'm leaving for UK. Or maybe it was because of that moment.....the kiss. Is she angry at me? I should have asked for her consent. Maybe she wasn't ready and just couldn't tell me no. If that's the case than shame on me. She should feel comfortable with me. She should know that for me her comfort and safety are the top priority. I cursed myself for being so impatient when I should be giving her time to adjust. I decided to apologize to her then and there, to make sure my actions didn't hurt her. I softly tilted her face toward me and she looked at me with those innocent, bright and doe eyes. But it was not her eyes that held me captive it was the emotion swirling in them in tidal waves. It was there so raw and so real. She was gazing at me with this unexplainable emotion I pulled myself from the trance and asked her
"Hareem are you upset?" A look of confusion spread through her features as her eye brows grew together. After a second or two she seemed to pin point my question and said
"It's okay I know you have work and you have....."
I immediately cut her off when she failed to grasp my question
"No Hareem it's not a out that. Are you...". I trailed off as she seemed to understand what I was trying to say. She turned her face away and hurt smeared through my heart at the mere thought that my actions have hurt her. I shouldn't have got carried away. I was ready to apologize when she looked at me again and there was a faint smile on her lips. She shook her head and whispered
"I'm fine. I'm...not..hurt or upset". My face broke into a grin and I couldn't help but tease her
"So you like that moment didn't you my sweet Hareem?". Her cheeks turned a bright red colour and she hid her face in my neck. I laughed at her being shy and placed a kiss on her temples. She mumbled still snuggled in my neck
"I feel really comfortable with you, Rohaan". I squeezed her closer to me and placed a kiss on the crown of her head. I glanced at my watch and it was close to midnight. I then said to her
"Let's go home".

By the time I parked my car in the driveway she was fast asleep. Her head resting on the passenger window. She was feeling cold, so my jacket is wrapped around her. I came out of the car and opened her door and scooped her up in my arms. She didn't stir. I quietly tip toed to our room to not to disturb anyone as they all must be sleeping. I placed her on the bed and covered her with the blanket. I took out my clothes and just shook her shoulder to tell her to change into comfortable clothes. She nodded her head and I took the next room's washroom to get changed into. As I entered the room again, she was snuggled into the blankets and she really resembled a snow ball. I slipped in next to her and held her closer to me. Placing one last kiss at her forehead, I drifted off to sleep.

My morning alarm woke me up. I turned it off and looked at my other side to find it empty. The other side of the bed had grown cold meaning she has been up for a while now. I got up from the bed and went to get fresh. I changed into some black shirt and jeans and came out to comb my hair when she emerged from the door. Her hair were in a bun and she was clad in a simple powder blue suit. Still, she managed to take my breath away. It's her simplicity that pulls me to her like a magnet. Her eyes always holds me captive whenever our eyes meet. She is like a drug, an addiction, an addiction I can't live without.
"Breakfast is ready. We should hear down". I pulled her closer to me as she said that and back hugged her. Her hair smelled fresh and nice, so I took a sniff. I placed my chin on her shoulder and just stood there with this feeling of pure bliss as I held her in my embrace. She sighed and leaned her head back in my chest and I tightened my hold on her. After a while, she called my name
I hummed in response and she said
"I'm hungry". I chuckled at her cuteness and kissed her cheeks and said
"Let's get you some food now".

"Rohaan when is your flight?" I heard Baba ask. I have told my family that I'll be going back now. Mama was not happy as she wanted me to stay here longer, but I somehow managed to tell her that I needed to go back otherwise I would love to stay here. I answered to Baba
"It's a day after tomorrow". Mama asked
"Beta tumhari packing hogae?"
(Beta are you done with the packing)
Before I could answer, Hareem beat me to it and said
"I'll have it done by today." Mama smiled at her and I held her hand in mine beneath the table.

After the breakfast, I went straight to the room to gather my things at one place as I have really short time. I was going through my stuff when Hareem entered. She opened the closet and took out my suitcase. She asked me
"You can tell me what to pack". I shook my head and said
"It's okay Hareem I'll do it". She shook her head and urged me to let her do it. She got busy in packing while I collected my case files in one bundle that I brought some with me to study. After getting done with it, I glanced at Hareem who was standing there quiet. She was done with work too, but she was lost in her thoughts. I called her and she hummed. I urged her to come forward and when she was at an arm distance to me, I pulled her, so that she landed on the side of the sofa beside me. I asked her
"Are you sad?" She shook her head, but I knew she was lying. Her eyes were sad and her stance was rigid. I sighed and rubbed circles on her hand and said
"I have submitted all your paperwork and Inshallah it will be done soon. I'll have you with me in no time". She nodded her head, but then a tear rolled down her eyes. I wiped it away and she muttered almost inaudibly
"I'll miss you". I hugged her tight and in that moment I knew that the coming days without her in the UK are going to be most agonizing.

I don't know why I was feeling this sad to know he'll be leaving. I always knew that he has to go one day or another, but I can't help but get sadder each time I think of the days I have to live without him. Our bond has grown closer in this one month. I have slowly started to come out of my she'll, giving life another chance. I know his work is important and he also doesn't want to leave me. It's obvious from his touches, his stares or just by his gently caress of hands. He's telling me through his stares that how much he hates the situation we both are in. How much he doesn't want to go and just stay here, but he can't. I can feel his inner battle. He's helpless. He has built up his work there and I can't just throw a fit and tell him to shift here or leave his work. He has been really kind to me always taking care of my opinion and comfort, so I should be the supportively wife. I should tell him that's we'll be together in no time and he has to go as his career needs him. And that's exactly what I did as he descended the stars with his suitcase. He's leaving today. It still felt like we just got married yesterday. It feels surreal. He looked at me and asked
"Where is everyone?" I replied
"Already seated in the car". He nodded his head and we both headed to the car. He placed his luggage inside the car trunks and we took seats at the back as Dilawar Uncle ignited the engine.

"Bhai please come soon". Hafsa cried clutching her brothers jacket as he hugged her close. Hafsa and Rohaan banter a lot but they love each other a lot too. He cannot see his little sister crying and she cannot bear to see him hurt. He ruffled her hairs and said
"I'll try to. Now stop crying you look ugly". He joked and Hafsa punched him in the shoulder. Phupho embraced him and she cried softly. She loves him a lot and it's obvious she doesn't want her son to leave this early. He comforted and hugged Dilawar Uncle after she pulled away. After he pulled away from him, he glanced at me and I smiled his way. He walked towards me and very tenderly wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes at the feel of his protective embrace and let my tears fall. He threaded his fingers through my hair as I softly cried at his shoulder. He pulled away after a while and told me
"Miss me a lot okay and don't cry. It's already hard for me to let you go". I broke into a chuckle and nodded my head. He smiled at me and placed one last kiss on my forehead before he disappeared through the crowd to board his flight while I silently prayed for his safe arrival and wished that these days would pass by in a blur.
Asalamoaliukm everyone so here's a chapter. It's an early update today. Let me know your thoughts about this chapter.
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Till then, Allah Hafiz.

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