𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮 𝓪𝓽 𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓽

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     Naerys Velaryon was a peaceful child, which the servants of the Red Keep could not be more thankful for, seeing as the ever growing tensions looked as if they would never stop and only intended to grow more tense between the Queen and her children and Rhaenyra's family. Naerys never favored one more than the other, Rhaenyra swore Naerys had inherited her grandsires warmth and peace. 

    Whispers of Rhaenyra Targaryens bastard children traveled the keep frequently and thought Naerys knew she was not the subject of gossip she felt empathetic of her brothers, both older and younger. She didn't believe it fair to judge a child based off their physical appearance. She did not know the truth of her brothers parentage but she did suspect it a few times after catching her mother stand so closely to Sir Harwin, or the longing looks they'd send each other when they did not think she was looking. It mattered none to her, her brothers were her brothers and she loved them regardless of who they belonged to. Naerys however also enjoyed the company of her uncles and aunt. The Queen Alicent was also very dear to her heart despite the cruelty she showed to her mother.

   Her days and nights split equally between them all, Naerys had a schedule in which allowed her to see all of her loved ones daily. The first thing she'd do in the morning is dressand rush to break fast with her mother and father, then scurry out to the training yard to watch her brothers and uncles practice with their swords, only until her Septa found her, towhich she would go with her to her ladyship classes and embroider with Halaena, her dear aunt who excelled in embroidery and all things one might find odd, such as insects. 

    After Naerys finished with her classes she would take strolls with the Queen in the loveliest of gardens, where the Queen would inquire about her day and things she might have learned. The Queen would also frequently speak with her about her Gods, which Naerys did not truly care about but would never deprive someone of sharing their thoughts about something they believed in so greatly. The Princess would leave from the Gardens and then visit her grandsire in his chambers where he spent most of his time with his building of the city. He would share histories and knowledge with her during this time. After all of that she would return to eat her dinner with her family and retire to her chambers, but Naerys was not truly going to sleep. 

    Naerys would sneak out of her chambers every night to meet with her uncle, Prince Aemond. She enjoyed meeting with him under the dark sky filled with the most entrancing stars she'd ever seen. Aemond was not that impressed with the stars, but it was something Naerys liked, and he liked Naerys as she was the only child of his sisters to be truly kind to him, even his own brother took fun in teasing him, he always felt lesser, but when he was with Naerys he felt equal. 

    During their time together they'd read books and gossip about what the servants had been speaking about, they'd tell each other stories and discuss their burdens. Of course, Naerys was close with all her family, but Aemond shared a bond with the girl she couldn't describe, despite Aemond being 3 years her elder. Naerys in a way reminded him of his elder sister, Halaena, they both shared a kind heart and curious intellect. Aegon often teased the boy for spending his time with the two girls so often, but they were kind, and Aemond liked kind.

   This routine carried on for a while until one dreadful day when a quarrel broke out in the training yard, not between the young princes but Sir Criston Cole, the Queen's sworn shield and Sir Harwin Strong, Rhaenyra's sworn shield. Naerys didn't get a chance to ask questions or to know what was truly going on. All she knew was that her brothers were grieving the dismissal of Harwin Strong and that her home was no longer hers as she was to return to a strange castle called Dragonstone.

    Naerys wasn't the closest with Harwin as he had no reason to care for her the way he did her brothers, but their grief was shared as she cared deeply for them. Naerys herself was grieving the loss of her home and her friendship with her uncles and aunt but it was easily overlooked compared to her brothers' grief, because their grief was also their mothers.

   Naerys stood tall throughout the entire event and loaded the ship, watching the young dragons take flight to their new home. Her brothers were excited to see Dragonstone, as was her mother who stood beside her, her father was in his cabin more than likely with Sir Qarl, a man who she believed to be more than a friend.

    She wished she shared their excitement but all she thought about was Halaena's watering eyes and Aegon's solemn look in his eyes as they shared their goodbyes. Alicent held her second son closely during their departure and Naerys asked the two about Dragonstone, although Alicent herself had never seen the place she smiled softly and told Naerys that she would love it, eager to calm the sweet girls worries.

  Naerys looked over at Aemond, "and you? What do you know of Dragonstone?" her worried features showing so surely on a child so young.

"It's dreadfully dull, niece." Aemond was upset she was leaving, "You'll visit?" he finished.

 "Of course, uncle." Naerys promised. 

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