Chapter 70

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Chapter 70 She will definitely go home safely...

    She comes from hundreds of millions of years later, an era with a desert of culture and extremely advanced technology.

    Her planet has experienced too many wars, and the country built on the ruins has lost the nourishment of civilization and culture.

    Shanshan's mother knows the ancient Suzhou embroidery and is respected as a master embroidery master. People are obsessed with ancient skills, as long as they know a little ancient skills, they can live very well on the planet and have a high status.

    The planet has powerful technology, but the spirit of the people has lost their sustenance, and they have no faith. They want to believe in God.

    God said that he cannot become people's beliefs, we should find our roots, the roots from the earth.

    In their era, the power that cannot be understood by technology was called a god. The blood of the gods is very small, and the descendants of the gods are honored as noble descendants of the gods.

    The earth was destroyed by an asteroid thousands of years ago, and the humans on the planet migrated from the earth. The ancient culture and civilization were destroyed after several wars.

    They asked God to select some people to travel back to the mysterious and ancient earth to learn traditional culture and ancient handicrafts. God mercifully agreed.

    People held a grand selection ceremony, and finally selected ten people to go to the ancient earth for interstellar crossing.

    The whole planet prays for them, praying to God, "Ten people must be allowed to return safely, especially the weakest and only human being, please God's blessing, she can learn a little less culture and skills, and she must be allowed to return home safely. "

    I hope they can bring a beautiful civilization and culture. God, please protect the weakest human being among them."

    "God, please protect the weakest human being among them."

    "God, please protect the weakest human being among them."

    Shanshan At that time, I was standing in the main hall of God with nine other people, and everyone's prayers could penetrate into the main hall, as if using a loudspeaker.

    Shanshan felt her face was burning, she was the weakest human being. There are ten people in total, nine of them are descendants of gods, and she is the only one who really has no divine power.

    The face of the main god could not be looked directly at, the cold fingers of the main god touched the foreheads of each traverser, injecting his divine power.

    Maybe it was because she was too excited at that moment, and her whole body was hot, so she felt that the Lord God's fingertips were cold.

    After the first crossing, they were distributed all over the world. Shanshan's ancestors were Huaguo, so he chose to jump to Huaguo.

    After experiencing the first world, their bodies died in the first world. The Lord God gave them spirits, or souls, endowed them with some divine power, allowing them to continue jumping in different cosmic spaces, looking for culture and true knowledge in different worlds.

    At the same time, the divine power restrained their memories, but protected their bodies in disguise, because ordinary bodies cannot bear the huge memories and emotions, and they will get lost.

    Afterwards, the ten met occasionally and would bring news of the others.

    Shanshan heard:

    One got married and had children in a certain world, and after the death of his wife and son, One chose to die in the first world.

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