♡ PART 1 ♡ Wedding

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They both agreed for the wedding because their parents said it is for the wellbeing of their business and it is a contract mariage for 1 year



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Y/n's dress

Y/n's dress

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JK's suit

Y/n's puppy Toffee

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Y/n's puppy Toffee

Y/n's puppy Toffee

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The wedding place

Everyone is so exited for the wedding the jeon family and ray family
(At y/n's dressing room)
Y/n is deep in thought

Y/n in mind by looking in the morror : i have always dreamed about this day after your sweet proposal ,OUR wedding where I walk down the aisle in a beautiful gown which we both choose soft music just the way you like just our family and close friends ,when my parents give my hand to you to hold ,to protect,to love BUT everything just became a dream and dreadful dream I hope youre happy to se me ,
(a sigh escapes her mouth)
why do i feel like i have seen jk somewhere but i dont remember where

Her deep thought's where shut down when,
Y/n mom: Oh my god my daughter looks so pretty ,"kisiki nazar na lagey"(may no one's gaze fall),my baby has grown so much ,your dad would have been happy if he saw you today,he would have taken you to the Aile(mom tears up)

Y/n: Mom ,dont he will be happy if he only sees us smile ,so dont cry and besides that i have you ,my strong mom to take my hand and give to jungkook right dont cry ,then I will also cry
Y/n mom nodes while y/n wipes her tears(y/n is also sad beacause her dad and her dear friends are not there to witness her special day)

Y/n walk down the aisle with her mom beside her ,her cute golden retriever puppy stealing the show by being the flower girl everyone was awing at the puppy but still being ammused by y/n's beauty
Jk also was showing his bunny smile because of the puppy but the next second his eyes fell on y/n ,at that momment he felt like the time stopped he dont know why but he just got mesmerised by her eyes which held a lot of emmotions but he dont know how to read them he just felt like his heart beat is increasing but he dont know why
Y/n mom hands her daughter to jk by saying

Y/n's mom: Take care of my daughter well son
Jk: Sure mom(in mind:I dont know why but why am i feeling like i should protect her from all the evils in this world"what is happening with me")

The moment their hands touch eachother they both feel an unknown feeling growing inside them their cheecks heat up ,but still they dont know why
( The wedding wows end ,it's time for the kiss, by the wors kiss they feel nervouse .Jk knows she wont be comfortable for a lip kiss and he dont want that too, but for the ceremony he kisses her not on the lips but...)
Jk goes near y/n and says
Jk: Dont worry i wont kiss you without your permission but for the ceremony will you allow me to
Y/n hesitently nods
Jk kisses her on her forehead both closses their eyes at that delicate yet beautiful contact

(After all the ceremony its time to say bye to everyone)
Mrsjeon: Y/naa dont worry if he dusturbs you just call me i will be there to smack him or dont worry his hyung's are here right

All hyung's nod their head at the same time which cause y/n to giggle,jk smiles listening to y/n giggle

Mrjeon: Here My kids this is the key to your new mansion for a new start ,hope you guys like it
( Jk takes the key both bow their head)

Y/n mom: Baby dont worry ,be happy and jungkook i want you to keep my daughter happy ,understand

Jk: Yes mom

(They both get inside Jk's car and head to their mansion)

{ Hope you guys enjoy :) }

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